Day 33

89 3 5

August 24th, 2009

School was starting in a week or so. Safaa was all excited, Waliyha was bored, Doniya was stressed ans me... I didn't know. I never liked school. But, at least, before, I had friends. Now... I couldn't know. I could put a huge cross on Elizabeth. Maybe one on Mark too. I couldn't know for Alec, but I wished he could understand. I was only wishing that everything would get back in order. What a stupid wish, tough.

I'm not talking about school for nothing. That day, it was the "shopping for school" day. Dad gave Doniya the money and she drove us to the mall. We surely were funny to see, four young people getting in every furniture shop to find what we'll need for the year. 

- But I want that bag ! It's so coooooool !

I looked at the end of row, where were Safaa and Doniya, who was trying to reason the youngest. 

- Saf, we can't take it. We won't have enough money. 

- But pleaseeee !

I joined them, because I could see that Doniya wouldn't be able to make her understand. I crouched down, to be the same height then her. 

- Hey, Safaa... Did you see this one ?

I pointed an other one, looking almost like the one she was holding. But that was half price. 

- It's not as cool.

- You're sure ? I think it's really cool. 

She turned her head a bit, looking at the bag. She wasn't sure at all, but if I had say it was cool, she would find it cool too. 

- Oh, look ! There's side pockets ! 

- I told you it was cool ! 

- I want it ! 

She took it and started to smile. I put the other one back in place and Doniya smiled at me. Safaa went away in the shop, running after Waliyha. I let a little smile get into my face. An woman came near us, a young boy pulling her in the rows. She stopped in front of us, looking really tired. 

- You were really good with your girl. I hope I could be a parent as good as you with my kid.

And the little boy was dragging her away, as soon as she finished her sentence. I looked to Doniya and she started to laugh. 

- Did I heard well ? I asked, trying not to do the same thing as her.

- I think so.

She was almost crying, because she was laughing too much.

- Do I look that old ? And stop laughing.

- Zayn, seriously... I can't, it's so funny !

- She thinks I'm the father of my sister ! 

As I said that, she laughed even more and Waliyha came to see us with a couple of stuff in her hand, Safaa behind her. 

- What the hell is happening here... ?

I gave a glance to my sister, and I started to laugh. No, we couldn't explain. For once that day, I felt nothing but happiness in my heart. Which was strange. For a small amount of time, I wasn't feeling the pain in my chest.


So... Seriously, I'm finding myself funny x) Maybe I'm a bit too tired... But I hope you liked it ! 

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