Day 190

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N/A : I just realized that I'm more than halfway through the story... Don't know if I already told you but... Yeah ! I'm freaking happy right now.

January 28th, 2010

I was feeling a bit better with each passing days. Oh, that was good times back then... 

I had been told in the middle at the afternoon that I had someone here to visit me, which made me smiled a bit. I stopped to watch this weird TV show, the same as that girl was watching the day before. One of the guy, Toby I think his name was, had just locked one of the girls with him. Well, it was weird. Anyway.

I walked up to the visit room, one I had never been before. I smiled when I saw my favorite red-head sitting on a couch, I knew she was waiting for me for the way her eyes lightened up when she saw me. She immediately got up and rushed to my me. I wrapped my arms around her, holding her tight. I was feeling even better now that she was in my arms, her cheek against my heart. Which was beating faster, all in once. I didn't knew back then, but it was Alexis' effect. 

When she got back a bit, she grabbed my hand and leaded me to the couch she was previously sitting on. I took place and she sat herself on my gaps. I couldn't helped but thought that it was a pretty nice posture to have with her. 

- You look better, she told me, an arm around my neck to protect her from falling.

- I'm feeling better. 

- You had it, so ?

- Had what ? 

- The flash.

I nodded, I knew exactly what she was talking about. The flash was the thing that was helping me to get better. The reason why I was fighting my hardest. Back then, I didn't really knew what it was, I just knew that it had hit me. 

We stayed in silence for a while, and that silence was comfortable. We were only looking at each others eyes and smiling. Which was pretty great. 

- So, you used the main entrance, this time ? I finally asked, with a smile.

- Yeah, you know... Being a bad ass is a tired thing. I wanted to try doing something right, for once.

She made me laughed by saying that and she joined me after a while. We stayed there all afternoon, saying random shit to each others and feeling... Quite happy, actually. It was such a good thing to feel, back then. 

She left just before dinner, holding me pretty tight. I didn't wanted her to leave me, even though I knew she needed to go, that she couldn't stay. When she was just about to leave, I ran to her to hug her one last time. 

- When I'll get out of her, I'll go see you in Doncaster, alright ? I asked her, whispering in her hear.

- It would be pretty great, she answered with a smile.

She got to her tiptoes and kissed my cheek. A soft gesture that I loved way too much.


So, what are you guys thinking about that ?

I won't be able to post tomorrow, I'm going in my family with my boyfriend (I'm literally living a dream right now. *.*) and I'm supposed to be back on Sunday ! So... See you all then ! 

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