Day 2

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July 24th, 2009

When I woke up that morning, I didn't felt like it's was different. But it was. A lot different. I stopped my music, letting my cellphone on the nightstand. I went downstairs wiping my eyes. As always. I took my breakfast at the same time as Safaa, like we always did during summer. She was talking about our back neighbor, who wanted her to come to play in the garden. Not unusual. It was when I get back in my room that it hit me. I wouldn't see Elizabeth that day. Nor any other day. I smiled sadly and put on some clothes. A black short with a blue tank top. Nothing else. I picked up my phone, calling my best friend, Mark. He answered straight after the first ring tone, even though it was still pretty early. 

- Hey big man ! I said, happily.

- Hey, he answered.

- How are you ?

- I feel weird... Eli called me.

- Oh...

I just said that. He knew. I sat on my bed, biting my lip. 

- I can't talk to you, she's coming over.

- Derek knows ? I asked. I needed to know.

- I don't know. Ask him.

He hung up. That's when I felt really appreciated. But I knew that she would probably need her cousin. I still preferred that to her running to Derek's house. I never liked that guy. Because he knows Elizabeth better than me, better than I ever could. 

I looked down my phone for a bit, trying to know who I could call to spend to day with. But, except for Eli, Derek, Mark and Jessica, they were all out of town. I could easily remove Eli, after what I told her yesterday. Derek, I would probably punch him in the face, so no. Mark, he was with Eli. And Jessica... She was nice but Elizabeth's best friend. So no. I guessed I'd pass the day on my own. 

It was a relax day, I went in town with Doniya. She didn't tried to know what happened the day before, it was just a nice day with my sister. She took me to many dress shop, because she was going to a wedding next week-end. I was happy she was happy. When we went back home, Mom and Dad were watching a movie together. I laughed a bit, then I took something to eat in the kitchen and went in my room. I stopped in front of my sister's one, she marked the page she was reading to look at me. 

- Thanks Niya.

- You needed it, don't you ?

I nodded, with a small smile. 

- You know that you can talk to me. Yeah ?

- Yeah. Thanks again.

- Welcome Zayn, she said with a smile. 

I smiled back, and get into my room. I locked the door, before letting myself slide on it. I took my head into my hands and I tried not to cry. It was hard, but I did it. Not a single tear ran through my face. I knew it was about to be OK. I just needed my boys back and everything would be alright.


Day 2, what are you thinking about ? 

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