Day 28

77 3 4

August 19th, 2009

Although I had already ran the day before, I went that day again. I had anything else to do. I knew I shouldn't go the minute I stepped out the porch. It was a hot afternoon, the sun blazing as rarely. And I had a bad feeling. But I went anyway. I should have listen to my instinct. He was good, for once. 

I was almost finished, only fifty feet left. My legs was hurting and a thin thread of sweat went down along my neck. I stopped in a small park not so far from Eli's house. That's when I saw him. He was sitting on a picnic table, a cigarette between his lips. Derek. His blond hair floating in the light breeze, his right stature. It was him, without a doubt. When he saw me, I knew it wasn't going to be great. Not at all.

- Hey Zayn ! He shouted, making me a sign to come sit with him. 

I went next to the table, shooting off my music. He was smiling, taking a burst out of his cigarette. 

- I'm sorry for you and Eli.

I knew he wasn't. He never liked me, just as me. We were only hanging out together because we had the same friends. Who didn't seemed to be mine by those times. 

- You're not, I said, looking at him.

- What ?

- You're not sorry.

- You're both my friends ! And you were a cute couple.

- Since when I'm your friend ?

- Since forever ! 

This made me lost my mind. He was my friend ? For real ? After everything we had did to each other for years ? We weren't friends. We never were. 

- You throw your friend's new phone on the pool ?

- Zayn, you know, it was an accident.

- Yeah, of course !

I looked up to the sky as he was taking an other burst of his cigarette. And I continued :

- We never been friends. We are just hanging out with the same people. You act like your my friend now, because you know you can have Eli. No ?

He started to laugh and I just wanted to punch him. Very hard. In the face. With a chair maybe. 

- Who doesn't want Eli ? You know that everyone loves her ! It's not even surprising, she's awesome. 

- I knew you love her. 

- OF COURSE ! He screamed, looking straight at me. She's the perfect girl. Smart, funny, beautiful, athletic. She's everything. I don't know why you broke up with her. And...

He stopped, shaking his head and giving me a sad glace. Or maybe it was misunderstood one. I can't choose.

- And what ? I can handle.

- I don't know why she stayed with you for a year.

I really wanted to punch him. Like... More than ever. He couldn't say that. It hurt, so much. I turned away, starting to walk out of the park. I heard one last thing coming out of his mouth :

- She deserves better you, Malik !


I hate Derek, like... OMG. Sorry. Btw, how did you find the entry ? Great or not ?

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