Day 4

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July 26th, 2009

It was Mom and Dad's summer holiday. So, that morning, they called us in the living room, at like... 7 AM  I think. Way too early for me. So I put my pillow on my head and tried to fall back asleep. When I was just about to succeed, Safaa went into my room and started to jump on my bed. 

- Hmmmm... Safaa, let me sleep...

- Mom told me I could have candies if I wake you up !

I laughed a bit, turning around to see her, smiling. 

- Will you get up ? She asked, still jumping.

- Will you give me a bit of your candies ?

- Of course ! 

- I'll get up.

She won. She was always winning. As soon as my feet were on the ground, she grabbed my hand and made me follow her in the living room. All of my sisters looked tired, except for Safaa. I sat on the floor, my back pressed to the wall. My parents were in front of the TV, looking at us with a big smile. It was a weird moment. We all looked at each other, trying to found out what was going on. Waliyha yawned and broke the silence just after. 

- Is Zayn adopted ? It would be fun not to be related to him anymore.

- Shut up you ! I said automatically. 

- Please, Honey ! 

I gave a dark look to my sister, before turning my head to see my mother. I know she always hated how me and Waliyha would talk to each other, but it's always been like that. It's like a rule of the life. Our rule. 

- So, what your mother and I wanted to tell you is...

- That Zayn is adopted ! Waliyha interrupted. 

That time, I said nothing, I just blew. Safaa get up and gave a small punch to our sister. 

- I love Zayn, she said. I don't want him to be adopted. 

- Come here.. I whispered, opening my arms. 

She jumped into it, and I gave her a forehead kiss. 

- Waliyha, if you interrupted me once again, you'll go in your room, is that clear ?

She nodded, and everything was silent again. It was a scary moment. No one was talking. Safaa was hugging me thigh and we were all looking at the parents. 

- So... ? Doniya asked. 

- It was supposed to be a good announcement, thanks Waliyha for breaking that moment. 

- I'm sorry, 'kay ? She exclaimed. 

- We're going in vacation, my father said.

- Camping, added my mom.

We all started to smile. It was the first time of my life that we were going on vacation. Safaa ran off my arms and hugged Mom and Dad. It was nice to see her that happy. 

- How many days ? And when are we leaving ?

Doniya is always the one asking questions. Always. She's the oldest, the more logistic of us. Maybe it's because of that. 

- Four days, Mom answered. And we're leaving tomorrow morning. 

- So why did we had to woke up that early ?!? 

No one answered me. They just all laughed. I did the same after a bit. Family laugh. It was great.


Day 4, Safaa and Zayn are just soooooo cute ! ^^

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