Day 49

66 2 3

September 9th, 2009

I had a meeting in the morning, with the principal. He finally called my parents, about the day I didn't went to school the week before. My dad was hungry as shit, I never saw him like that before. I remember him screaming at me in the living room while Doniya was trying to get Safaa upstairs. 

- Seriously Zayn ? What's happening with you ?

- I just... I needed some space. A break.

- A break ? You can't be serious Zayn ! School was started since not even a week when you decided to miss it ! You can't need a break already !

I didn't answer, because I knew he didn't understand what I was saying. I needed a break of everything. And I taught that missing school was a good start. 

- We're going to see the principal. Right now.

I didn't say a thing. Again. I just went upstairs and put my clothes on. I was about to stop into Safaa's room, to tell her it was OK, when Dad shouted at me to hurry up. I blew, I didn't liked to let my sister worried like that. I had saw in her face that she was. But I went downstairs, I knew Doniya was with her, at least. 

The way up to school was in a total silence. He was mad. Pretty mad. I was happy that my mom was on meeting that day. That way, I wasn't deceiving her. Not already. We passed by the main entry and I wasn't feeling huge at all. I never been convoked in the principal office before. Except that one time, in primary school. I had fight with Mark, just for fun. But we both had a black eye, so they called our parents. In fact, that scene was quite funny. But now... It wasn't. I sat on the chair, next to my dad. And we waited for the principal to come in. When he finally came, I bit my lip, hardly. They talked and talked, I didn't understand. I didn't even tried to. I wanted to disappeared. Because I had never saw my dad like this. 

- I only missed a day of school, damn... I whispered.

I didn't taught they would hear me. But they did. They clearly did. 

- Zayn ! My dad shouted.

- Sorry, I just don't understand why it's so important. Give me a detention and it's going to be OK !

- Be. Polite.

I could saw by my dad's face that I was better to shut up. That's what I did, because I was clearly about to die, other way.

By the end of the meeting, it had been decided that I was suspended for a day. I didn't understood. I was suspended because I voluntary missed school. I never saw in what it was a punishment. By the way, I found this cool, more than anything. I didn't had to have Derek's look on my back all day. 

- You'll come to work with me. You'll put letters in their envelope.

Well... That was a bit less cool.


Sooooooooo ! What do you think about this entry ? It wasn't supposed to end up like this but... I don't know, I still have 316 days to do what I wanted !

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