Day 61

63 2 3

September 21th, 2009

I didn't wanted to see my dad that day. So I went downstairs as late as I could. But he was there. Sitting at the table, his cup of tea between his hands. I did like I didn't saw him and almost ran outside. I waited a long time at my bus stop, before I saw someone I knew coming near. And no, it wasn't only Waliyha. If I told you "guy, tall, blond, stupid", you figured out who it was ? Yeah, Derek. I didn't know what he was doing there, because he was living kind of far of that stupid bus stop. He sat on the bench, next to me. Smiling like the idiot he is. 

- What do you want me ? 

- Nothing, he answered, as the bus stopped in front of us.

But he was smiling again. And I knew he was lying. I get up, grabbing the braid of my bag at the same time. I gave the driver my ticket and walked up to the back of the transport. He followed me and I almost wanted Waliyha to sat next to us. But she didn't did it, laughing in the front with her friends. I blew and let my head leaning on the glass. Derek looked at me during all the way up to school. At some point, he just started to laugh. Like that, without nothing to prepare me to that sudden reaction. 

- Cool... I blew, looking up to the ceiling. You're becoming crazy...

- No, I just realized something. 

- Well, this is awesome. 

- You don't want to know what ?

I looked away, no I didn't wanted to. I just wanted to throw him under the bus' wheels. But he interpreted my silence other way. 

- You love Eli, right ? You never really fought together or stuff like that. Then... Why did you broke up with her ?

I blew, again. I was really getting on my nerves. A lot. And I didn't wanted to talk about that kind of stuff with him.

- I knew the answer.

- Oh please, tell me ! 

- You're a stupid asshole. 

I couldn't contain it. I just... Punched him in the face, which made him fall in the lane. He just laughed and sat a bit more in the front of the bus. I had no regret for that action. I was almost proud of it. 

The rest of the day was a shit. A total one. I failed my math exam, I did an electrical shorting in science, I made a girl cry in PE by throwing her a ball in the face and I fell asleep in English. And Derek took my bus to get back home too. Smiling with that stupid smile I always hated. 

Just before I get out of the bus, he whispered something in my ear. "She never loved you and she never will." And, just because of that, I wanted to prove him wrong. While I was walking home, I knew what I would do. I wanted to do that since a while but he just gave me the strength I hadn't had. I'd ask her out. Because I needed her in my life and he needed to shut the fuck up.


Hi everyone ! How's that entry ? My friend wanted to see Derek, so... Here he is ! And no, he'll never be the nice guy x) 

Love you everyone. xx

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