Day 20

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August 11th, 2009

As soon as I woke up that day, I knew I needed to spend some time with my best mates. But Alec was still in the United-States and Mark didn't answered when I called him. So i though he had changed his phone number, because it had happened a couple of time already. I didn't mind too much, forgetting about how it could mistreat my heart to have no news of anybody. Not even on Facebook or Twitter, because I looked there too. No in box, no notifications. Absolutely nothing. Which made me think that, in the last week, I had talked more to an old man than to my friends. This felt hard. 

I went for a run, that day. Probably the only positive thing that happened. I broke my record for a five miles, which gave me a small smile while I was catching my breath. Then, I saw Mark's house. I had forgotten that my journey was stopping in front of it. This made me feel sad again. How many times had passed since the last time I went in before knocking, spending the day in his room to play at some video games ? Probably something like a month. This is huge, if you think about that. A month without hanging out with your best friend. I don't know how I did it. I'll never know.

So, I was in front of his house. I looked around for a bit. What did I had to loose, by the way ? I walked up the alley, stopping in front of the door. I knocked three times, then I waited. A minute, then two, passed. That's when I saw the neighbor getting out on his balcony. I got my headphones off, because he looked like he was talking to me.

- Looking for the Anson ? He asked, staring at me.

- Hum... Yeah ? Mark, especially.

- They're in vacation, I think. A family thing, if I remember clearly.

I thanked him and went back in the street. That was nice. I was still alone. I put my headphones on and walked slowly home. My eyes staring at the ground. Even my music had made the goal to make me feel sad. "Let it be" by the Beatles. Do you know a better song to make someone cry ? Especially when it's his ex girlfriend's favorite song ? I don't think so. I wrapped my fingers through my hair, taking deep breath. I had flashbacks of everything I once had done with Elizabeth. The first meeting, the first movie date, the first kiss, the first "I love you", the first time I hold her crying. The days we spend all alone and the ones with all of our friends. The nights we spend waling hand in hand in the streets, those where I was knocking at her window to hold her in my arm just to watch her sleep and others we spend in Skype until we both fall asleep. One memory made me wanting to cry even more. The day we first kissed, under a small bridge. And, without even thinking about it, I was there. Just in front of me, at the exact same place I pressed my lips on hers. The last time I went there, I was happy. Now, I felt on my knew, breaking in tears.


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