Day 142

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December 11th, 2009

It was a shitty Friday, once again. Nothing much happened in school, it was just boring stuff after boring stuff. I wasn't able to understand a thing and it was getting on my nerves. So, as soon as I get back home, I threw my bag on the floor and rushed upstairs. I slammed my door and laid my back against it. I only had to wait a few seconds before I could heard knocks on it. I knew that I wasn't alone, but I wished I was. 

- Zayn ?

Doniya's voice caught me out of guard by shaking a bit and being so low. Like she didn't wanted to tell me something but she had too. I get up and unlocked the door, before opening it. My sister was staring at me, with a small smile on her lips. 

- What's happening Niya ?

- Can I enter ?

I get off of the way, so she could get in. It was starting to worried me a lot, by then. Doniya wasn't the shy kind of person, usually. She was discrete, but not shy. She sat on the chair in front of my desk and I took place on the edge of my bed. My fingers were playing with the sleeves of my jacket as I was waiting for her to speak.

- Don't be mad at me, okay ?

- Why would I be mad at you ? I asked back, hoping she'd answered me.

- Because I'm moving in with Taylor ?

I let a gasp coming out of my mouth before getting up. She could go and live with that asshole. I never liked Taylor, her boyfriend, he was sort of... I can't explain, but I wasn't feeling him, I wasn't liking him. And I liked him even less at that moment, because I knew he was the one who asked Doniya to live with him. I started to pace back and forth into the room, trying to calm myself. 

- I knew you would be mad but Zayn... Please, just try to understand... I can't stay there, the memories of Dad just keep playing in my mind all the time and it's just... It's...

Her voice cracked and I looked up at her, to see that some tears had started to run down her cheeks. I bit my lip, trying to contain my anger against that stupid asshole that was my sister's boyfriend. The way Doniya looked at me at that moment, it was like she was waiting for my permission. Like it was my the older and that I had the last word. When, in fact, I was only fifteen and that I didn't knew a thing about life except pain. 

- When are you moving out ? I finally asked and she started to smile through the tears. 

- Sunday.

- Fuck, I whispered between my teeth. 

I just hoped she didn't noticed. She get up of the chair and held me in her arms. She kissed my cheek before getting back.

- Thank you Zayn. I know you don't like him but... Thanks.


Shit over shit lately, I'm so sorry ! I know, I didn't post yesterday so I'm two entries late... I'll try to post again later today, I don't promise a thing except that I'll try... Seriously, it's pretty hard to write, I'm always so tired...

I still love you people xx

*Just had over 4ooo reads like... OMG, I LOVE YOUUUU ! You lighted up my bad day <3

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