Home - Part 1

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| Hook on a Wall |

"sometimes quiet is violent"


The creaking of the old shack was heard long and wild. It radiated throughout the quiet restaurant with the rats that scurried along the floor boards. The smell of greasy molded foods filled the air, and seaweed was smelt just as much as it was visible across the place.

There were no heartbeats heard along the place except for that of one. Harry Hook, the second known child of the villain Captain Hook. He was waiting patiently for his own Captain to return, not his father no, but his girl, Uma. She was the daughter of Ursula, and since Mal and the other villains had seemed to vanish. Uma had made a pretty big name for herself.

Luckily Harry was able to join the rise of Uma. Being her first mate, in more ways than others. As of now, he waited in the loud night of Isle, not silent, no loud. For screams and shouts could be heard from outside of the loud walls, it was music to his ears. For a pirate, noise was a luxury while silence was a prison.

The black around his eyes were smeared from today's adventures, let's just agree that the next few days would be exciting. Harry was waiting alone for Uma's return from within her mother's closed restaurant.

His eyes looked around a little crazily, he sharpened his sword while he waited. Ever so slightly he would touch the side, making sure that it was sharp enough to cut, which it was as his skin was split just a tad. "Uma mmm-" He hummed a little tune, biting his tongue ever so slightly before licking the blood from his finger.

It was then that within the muffled chaos things got quiet for just a moment. Like something was there, or coming. Maybe it was Uma, Harry had thought to himself. But this was different, no, people were still talking but his ears were listening to a distinct sound.

It was a familiar sound, a sound that made his smile roll up upon his face. A noise that reminded him on a not so secret family tradition. The noise screeched across something nearby, it would hurt anybody else's ears but not his, he loved that sound. It sounded almost like nails across a chalk board, horrible but yet so great to the villain kid.

His grin widened as he reached across the table he was sitting on, his fingerless gloved hands reached over to grab the nearby and newly sharpened hook that laid hooked into the stained rotten table.

He pulled the hook up from the table, simply moving it to his front side and replacing it in his hand and dropping the sword onto the watery ground. And he waited for a few moments, before laughing silently, his eyes starring at the ground as he listened closely but the noise was gone.

"HA HA!" He shouted, suddenly turning around with his hook in hand. It clashed with the one that was headed right to the back of his head. The hook made sparks as it collided with the same exact looking hook, but a younger blond haired girl held it on the other side.

"Sister..." Harry chuckled, raising one eyebrow as he smirked. He held his grip on the hook, as his half sister did the same.


HA HA!   | descendants |Where stories live. Discover now