Lost Girl - Part 4

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The smell of food filled the young girls nostrils, jotting her awake. She hadn't smelt anything this good in her entire life.

On the Isle, they'd have one dock with ships from Auradon that would bring the royals discarted food across the waters. The villains simply ate the rotting left overs, so to smell something fresh was a delight in itself.

Her eyes flew open, her nostrils flared. CJ raised up from where she was, quickly, but suddenly she was kept from leaping up. She looked down at her wrists, they were restrained down by thick ropes. Ship-like ropes. CJ gulped, tugging at the ropes as she began to look around.

What she saw was, okay, nothing like the Isle of the Lost but it also wasn't anything like Auradon either. She was in a bedroom, laying in a very comfortable one person bed where her hands were tied to the sides. She had many colorful blankets laid across her, and a few pillows behind her to keep her elevated. The room she was in was very bright a colorful, it had a closet which was closed. And the room itself was a tan color, but that's not what made it colorful. Hanging on the top of the ceiling were hundreds of scarfs of different colors. They tied together, and covered the entire ceiling. But the light coming through the large window made them shine with such beauty.

"Ugh." CJ mumbled, rolling her eyes and wincing as she looked through the window. She had never seen so much light in her entire life, but soon her eyes adjusted. CJ could see a few green as green can be trees, before they ended and all CJ could see was beautiful rolling green hills of vineyards.

Of course, it was distracting, but her main mission was right now was to get out of these ropes. But there was something else that was distracting her, the smell coming through the door. She looked through the open door, and she could see a few more well lit rooms. And she could also see the apart of the kitchen, and someone was cooking something.

Now she knew she had to be quiet as she pulled on her wrists. The knots were simple, Deck Knots. CJ was impressed that a landwalker knew a ship knot.

What she was about to do would hurt, but she wasn't about to be tied down to some stranger bed that's for sure. CJ turned her wrist and rubbed her thumb against the hard ropes. It wasn't her first time being trapped like this. Suddenly, she moved her thumb to the side and tugged hard on her wrist to hit the rope. Her thumb smashed against it, dislocating. CJ threw her head up into the air, gritting her teeth together in pain. It was worth it however, because now she could fit her hand through the knot. She quickly reached over, her thumb still dislocated, and untied the other side to free her hand.

The pirate girl jumped up, throwing the blankets off of her as she did. Her normal hand went and popped her wrist back into place, she winced again while breathing deeply. Soon enough, she made her way through out of the brightly colored room and into the rest of the house. From what she could see, there was a nice living room with regular furniture and a TV. And to the other side, there was a dining room with a bay window looking out too....the ocean. CJ's heart stopped for a moment, looking at the waves as they crashed on the Sandy Beach only a few years away. The rooms were painted different colors, purple, green, red, orange...many different colors. They gave CJ a headache, but it did somewhat remind her of home. Crazy yet, completely perfect.

Her bare feet walked quietly on the ground, she turned her attention back to the guy in the kitchen making some sort of good smelling food. It must be poison, is what CJ thought to herself over and over again. The boy looked over to his right, smiling at something, but he wasn't looking at CJ for she was on his left. Then he looked back down and continued cooking, it was definitely the boy from last night.

CJ looked into the living room again, there was a door. She could escape, but, this boy had taken her some place and she didn't know where. Not to mention, a good fight was always the proper way to start off the morning. Right?

She continued forwards, sneaking up on him. Her hand reached down to her waist as she went to grab her hook. But, it wasn't there. CJ looked down, her heart racing. And it was then that she realized she wasn't wearing her clothes either, instead some Pajamas that did not belong to her. Back on the Isle, Pajamas for CJ usually just meant one of Harry's discarted smelly T-shirts.

"Goodmorning, Sea Lily." The boy stated, still focusing on what he was working on in the pan in front of him. "Looking for this?" He raised one of his hands up in the air, and in it held her hook.

CJ growled and took a few steps forwards towards him, "That's mine! You thief!" The girl seemingly hissed at him as she ran up and tried to grab it back from him. He was much taller than her, however, so he kept it out of her reach.

"Manors much?" He questioned down at her, a smirk across his face.

CJ stopped what she was doing, looked at the boy. And raised her eyebrows slightly, yeah right. Did this kid even know who she was?

The pirate girl quickly punched the boy in the stomach, and turned her leg to the side to pull her foot to his the back of his knee, causing him to fall on his knees in front of her. CJ grabbed her hook from him quickly, and looked down at him with a smirk, "Thank you." She stated, snarky little thing.

The boy held his stomach as he got up, looking at CJ with a smile. "Wow your really something else, aren't you?" He questioned. Getting up off of the ground.

"Tell me something I don't know." CJ stated, her fist grabbed the top of his shirt as she pulled his face down to her level. And with her other hand she held her hook close to his neck, "Like where are my clothes and where have you taken me?"

The boys raised his hands up in surrender, trying to hold in his laughter at how this small girl was trying to be intimidating. He himself knew who was apart of her family, but he did not know what they were capable of. "I washed your clothes and I brought you to my house." He stated, before pointing at the table in the living room. "Calm down, chica, they're right there."

CJ pushed him back, walking away and grabbing her clothes. She headed for the door without another thought, her stomach ached. But she ignored the cooking food. As soon as she got out of the living room, the doors opened up to more beautiful green rolling hills. The tree line was no where in sight, but the ocean was. And it was incredibly beautiful, she breathed in the salty air with such force. Oh how she thought it smelt even more wonderful then the food that boy was cooking.

"Hey!" The boy shouted, running up to the now open glass doors. "Don't you at least want to take a shower and eat something before you leave?" He questioned her.

CJ turned around, her hair moving violently. "Don't you know who I am?" She stated, pointing her hook at the boy but he seemed unphased.

"Yeah." He stated, "I just don't care." The blue eyed boy smirked, speaking as if he had no fear of the girl whatsoever.

"If you don't care then why were my wrists tied down to your bed?" CJ asked as her feet moved and she continued down the way, walking down the steps that lead into grass.

"First of all, that's the guest bed and your wrists were tied down because you kept falling off the bed in your sleep." He stated, crossing his arms across his chest.

Then CJ heard a little bark, it was Perry, the rat dog. He came and sat down next to the boy, watching CJ. She scoffed, "Obviously someone's parents didn't warn them about the Hook family."

"Oh no they did, I just never thought a Hook could be so...small." The boy chuckled a tad as CJ turned around with a curious face. What did he just say? To her? No.

"Would you like to borrow some stilts?" He then stated, and bit his lip with a wink. CJ's cheeks turned hot red, and she looked at this boy with anger.

"Who do you think you are?" CJ asked, stomping her way back up the steps she had just walked down.

"My name's Peyton, but you can call me Pey." The boy stated, not being phased by her one bit...

hey loves, what do you guys think so far huh? this Peyton boy seems a little interesting? he's quite a character once you get to know him

and I'm guessing you all know who he's the Descendant of yeah?

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