Lost Girl - Part 13

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The girl talked forever, and it literally felt like forever. But when she finally left, she hugged Pey quickly and waved CJ goodbye.

Then they finally got what they came for, fireworks.

A few hours later they were on the beach. And Pey shot off the first firework, he held it in his hand as it sparkles around them. However, this was a small one. The one that CJ grabbed was not.

"CJ! NO!" Pey shouted as the pirate girl lit the end on fire. He pushed it out of her hands and purposely pushed her away. Instead, they both tripped on the sand.

The fire work shot off, making it's way into the sky and exploded above them. CJ watched with glistening eyes, and Pey watched her smile. They were both laying in the sand, and he leaned over before suddenly kissing her.

CJ was surprised, and she was about to push him away.

But what was the trouble? Right?

From there on, as she stayed with him through the second week they'd exchange flirtatious comments and he'd hold her hand. Without her slapping or hitting him.

They both went into the blank room in the back, and CJ and Pey threw paint on to the walls. It was absolutely beautiful and colorful, she even covered up the Long Live Evil sign of her father. Peyton had brought up how he thought she should come up with her own thing. And eventually, he drew her initials. A C in the form of a hook, and a J coming down through it.

On the door, he had drawn a mural of a blond girl looking out to the sea. Her face was hidden, but she sat on a rock looking out at the sunset. It was a simple drawling, but it meant so much more to CJ when he told her that she was the one on the rock.

The next morning Peyton was drawling in his journal as they ate breakfast. CJ had looked over at him, before realizing he was drawling her, again. She reached over the table and grabbed the journal. Come to find out, he had drawn many pictures of her and their adventures. Many. But her favorite, was the one of her with only half of her face showing. And beautiful feathers were in her hair.

Later, she would go back and take the drawling from his journal.

But one night, she was starring out of the window. CJ slept up in the loft room, and she could see the ocean. Her heart hurt, she kept thinking about the Isle, about her stupid family and her stupid home. And she was hurting because of her stupid heart. Or at least that's how she felt, not truly understanding this feeling of emotionally hurt or longing.

CJ leaped from the bed, having to get out and go somewhere. She had to distract herself from her emotions. The girl ended up sneaking out of the house without waking Peyton up. But she did however get the attention of his shadow, oh yes, it was hereditary.

Peys shadow however was shy, but a curious little black figure on the walls. He watched at CJ sneaked out, and she ran down to the grassy fields. The girl ended up finding her way to Never Neverland. She thought that the beautiful land would be able to distract her from her emotions, but oh how she was wrong.

CJ started to cry when she saw the scene before her.

Neverland is whatever you dream of it to be, and right now her heart longed to be home. But it was still different. CJ saw her brother, Harry, and Sammy Smee.

Now Sammy had been practically raised with them ever since they were little, he was always just there. He became Harriet's first mate, a brother to Harry, and to CJ? Well she wasn't really sure what he was to her, but she just knew he was always there. Always. But now, he wasn't.

CJ saw them. Harry, Sammy, and herself. They were all here, in Auradon. Running around and causing trouble, they looked normal. Her heart longed so much to see them again, that she did.

"Why am I seeing this? What did you do!" CJ had shouted at the fairy that fluttered about, trying to hold back her eyes from crying like a waterfall.

"Your heart wants so much to see your family again that you changed Never Neverland, into your heart."

CJ listened to the fairy, before quickly turning away and going out of the place. Looking for the exit. But before she went, her blue eyes looked back to the scene. She watched as Sammy and Harry ran up to the fake her, scaring her as they did. CJ laughed, removing the tear that ran down her cheek.

It had been two weeks, and her stitches had been removed. But Peyton had still not kicked CJ out of his house, and she wasn't planning on leaving anytime soon. Perhaps it was their ever growing love for each other, but CJ thought that this wasn't so bad. It was just them. Well, them and Perry and his shadow and Jesly. But besides that, it was good. And CJ, liked it?

They had gone out on the ship multiple times, and Peyton had even talked about them sailing to Neverland together one day soon.

"I want to show you something." Peyton stated one night while at dinner with CJ and Perry.

"Okay." CJ stated plainly, still stuffing her face with the lasagna that was laid before her.

Pey got up and went over to CJ, grabbing her hand and yanking her from the table playfully. He took her to the back room, the one with no door handle. The boy whistled, and suddenly his shadow appeared in the hallway. She still wasn't used to his shadow, it was just creepy.

His shadow came over and pretended to open the door, like it did have a handle. Which apparently worked, because then the door opened. But, it was just a dark room from what CJ could see.

Peyton reached over and flicked on a light switch, which suddenly revealed a sort of trophy room.

"Woah." Was CJ's only response.

From inside the room was multiple things in cases and glasses. There was mutiple items from Neverland, a whistle, a plant, a chest (empty), some Indian antiques, but the most interesting thing that CJ saw was the beautiful red coat.

She ran up to it quickly, pressing her hands on to the glass as she looked at it in awe.

"That belonged to your dad." Pey stated, leaning against the doorway with a smile.

CJ only had one question, "Can I have it?"

Pey smiled, and shook his head yes. And the entire day CJ was wearing that coat, trimming it's sides and making it a little more her. But, this coat was the best coat she had ever worn in her whole life.

But all their fun came to an end, when CJ saw Melody again.

Yes I know my writing is terrible right now, cause I'm basically just done with this part of the story but it's kinda important.

Sorry y'all, bare with me.

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