Home - Part 12

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But there was something he still had to say, and CJ loved this expression more than words could describe. She had made it up when they were little, Harry always thought it was pointless but he'd say it simply to appease his sister.

"Hey!" Harry called out to her before the door closed, she leaned back looking at him.

"Being good?" He started,

"Is bad." She finished, a smile appearing wide on her face.

"And being bad?"

"Is good." She laughed.

"We take to law?" He questioned her.

"Like an outlaw!" They both shouted their chant like it was a victory, both feeling empowered as she shut the door. Throwing their fists into the air.

Of course, it was a stupid saying. Bad is Good and Good is bad, basically just meant that anything goes. Which it did. But it was something they had been saying since they were littles.

Harry walked over back towards his things, but it wasn't until a few seconds later that the back door opened again. CJ was standing in the door way, and Harry was holding his sword near the table.

"OH!" CJ shouted, "I almost forgot to mention that I brought back a little something."

In her hand she was holding a small brown sack, pocket sized.

"Anddddd what's that?" Harry questioned, raising his eyebrows and being completely unimpressed.

CJ reached her fingers down inside the sack, and a roach was scurrying along the floor close near her. Perfect. She raised her hand and sprinkled just a tad bit of the dust on it. The roach suddenly lifted off of the ground and into the air.


Harry smiled wildly, his arm reached up and he threw his sword right at his sister. She ducked, moving the sack that the sword would have struck into the door, just in time. Harry moved forwards, back towards the door quickly. "Where did you get that Missy?" He questioned his sister, running forwards to try and catch CJ as she slipped through the door.

"Secrets brother! Secrets!" She shouted as she disappeared behind the door. "DON'T TELL FATHER!"

"GIVE IT HERE!" Harry shouted loudly, but by the time he ran and opened the door, his sister was gone. That little runaway always seemed to be able to sneak off so quickly, a specialty of hers. He sighed, shaking his head and grunting. Knowing he wouldn't be able to find her now. It seemed like they would have to have another conversation, some other time. So, he closed the door and headed back.

He no longer could see his little sister, but today had definitely been a good day. She had returned, and he shouted, literally inside the empty restaurant. Because he was happy, and more excitement was on the way. Mal was back, and Uma would definitely have something to say about that. He grabbed the rest of his things, and quickly made his way to the front doors. Harry could no longer wait for Uma, he'd have to find her and tell her the good news.

He had forgotten about the people outside, the ones that wanted to quarrel with his little sister. And as he opened the door, he was reminded that they were right outside. And as soon as he saw them, he simply turned around and locked up the shack behind him.

"Hello Matey's." He smiled, a laugh unwillingly coming up from within his throat. "How can I help you?"

He starred at all of them with no fear, straightening his hat on his head with such poise.

"Where's CJ?" A man near the front asked, spitting at Harry. They all knew who Harry was, the son of Captain Hook himself. He was famous for that true, but he was now even more famous for being Umas first mate. Let's just say, you did not want to mess with him.

"CJ?" He started, "As in my little sister?" The crazed boy smiled, the paint near his eyes lingered still which made him look even more piratey than ever.

"Don't play games boy! We know she's in there and we have a score to settle with that one!" The man shouted, and this time spit went onto Harry's face. Well that was definitely annoying, he took his hand and whipped his face clean. Or as clean as it could get.

Suddenly, he swiftly lifted his hook out from his jacket. And went for the man who spat on him, his hook went through his shirt and up near his neck. Nobody dared to make a move on this boy, and now the man was shaking in terror.

"If you even LOOK at my sister ever again, I will cut open your head with this here hook and feed your brains to the sharks." Harry stated calmly, a smile was no longer along his face as he was being completely serious. He then looked at everyone else in the group, "And then I'll make the rest of you walk the plank, but I'm sure you wouldn't last long with the sharks."

He snapped his jaw forwards towards a group of young people, they all jumped back a little scared. He smiled, knowing he had them all hooked. Harry lifted his hook up into the air, lifting the man into the air until his shirt broke apart and he fell to the ground. Harry looked up at the crowd of people, "HAVE I MADE MYSELF CLEAR?" The boy shouted, and they seemed to scurry back. Not a single one of them would speak, for fear of being actually hooked.

"Great!" Harry started, "Now if you'd excuse me, I have a very important date with destiny!" The young boy shouted, laughing as he passed the group of people. They split apart easily as Harry walked towards them, his laughter made chills run down their spins and goosebumps crawl along their skins.

And with that, he was gone....

okay guys, you are one more chapter away from the ending! which is very sad that it will come to an end, but there is such a big plot twist, I'm pretty sure you guys are going to ask me to finish stuff and idk if I will or not, but basically, you're not going to want to miss this next chapter!

question time: what do you guys think of this relationship between Harry and his little sister?

also above I've added a picture of what I think CJ would mostlikely look like, it kinda looks similar to Descendants Wicked World. but instead of jeans, she'd have treasure map leggings. I also don't think CJ would have a gun, and she lost her sword so just replace that with her silver hook Lol. AND her jacket would definitely be red! and just like her brothers, she'd have fingerless gloves ;) also her hair would be super long and parts of it would be braided, it would go all the way down past her butt. and she wouldn't have a hat, she hasn't "earned" one yet

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