Lost Girl - Part 8

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"Yeah, used to belong to my dad but now it's mine. It's like a pirate ship actually, which I'm sure you'll love." Peyton stated, leaning back on the couch as he pet his dog.

"I wanna see it!" CJ stated, rushing to the doors to look out on the deck. The blond girl ran down the steps and into the grass. Her blue eyes looked down the beach, she didn't see any ship.

CJ ran up the steps and back into the house. "There's no ship on your shores boy!"

"This is a magic bay, do you seriously think you'd simply be able to see the ship?"

CJ sat down on the couch and slapped her hand across the boys face. He sat up and looked at her with his mouth open. "What was that for?"

"Show me the ship!" CJ shouted, her eyes moving ever so slightly to the TV and then back to him. She had never seen anything other than the news channel on TV's.

"Fine, I'll show you the ship. But first you've got to let me put some stitches in your head, and you have to agree to stay until your heads healed up."

CJ glared at him. She thought to herself for a while, before leaning over and resting her head on her hands. The pirate girl wasn't sure what to do, but Pey waited patiently for her response.

"C'mon chica, it's all the food you can eat. Of course, you cannot destroy my kitchen again. But you can stay in the loft room up there, and you can go where ever you want. It's better than just hiding out in the woods right?"

CJ thought about it for a moment, it was better than running out in the woods. She'd have a bed, food, and by the sound of it a ship? CJ could always, steal the ship too. Now that was a good idea, guess it wouldn't be too bad for her to stay for a week or so.

"Fine." CJ stated, "Now fix my head and let's go."

Peyton went to get up, but was stopped by CJ's hook. Wow she was fast with that thing.

"But if you dare double cross me, I will kill you." She stated, "And Hooks keep their word."

Which wasn't true at all, her father being the most manipulative man on the planet who lied to get what he wanted. If anything, she had just promised not to kill him.

Peyton stood up and went into the other room, grabbing some things from a shelf. The boy came back and sat down on the couch next to CJ. "Here, tie your hair up." Pey stated, and CJ moved down to the ground as she pulled the top half of her hair up. She sat in front of the boy, he was sitting on the couch above her.

Peyton got his stuff together, moving her hair softly as he tried to be soft. "Would you hurry up?" CJ stuttered, but her eyes were fixated on the TV in front of her.

"Sorry I don't want to hurt you." He stated, before the needle went into the back of CJ's head. She winced in pain, "Hold still!"

"Nothing like a little pain to remind you, you're alive." CJ stated, before she was reminded by something.

"Oh and thank you for the new bald spot on my head." CJ spat.

Peyton continued to sow up the back of her head. One of his hands grabbed onto the side of her head, trying to hold her still so he could concentrate. "Well I knew you wouldn't allow me to cut your hair so I just did it while you were asleep."

"Oh!" CJ started, "Speaking of which, how'd I end up into those Pajamas?"

His foot was near here, and she slapped the top of it. "Can you please stop slapping me?!"

CJ laughed and turned her attention back to the TV. "Hey you are the one that invited me to stay so, you're gonna have to get used to it, fish bait."

"Anyways...." Pey mumbled, pushing Perry away with his elbow as the dog was concerned what he was doing. "You changed yourself, you don't remember?"

CJ sighed, "The last thing I remember was you attacking me on the beach."

"Attacking you! Oh please! You were about to slice my neck with that Hook of yours!"

CJ smirked, pulling her knee to her chest. "Dang right."

Peyton rolled his eyes as he finished the first row of stitches. Her head would probably need two just in case. He grabbed a nearby rag and dabbed some peroxide onto her head.

"You woke up once and I told you to go change and clean off, you changed but then passed out again."

CJ nodded her head, "Yeah sure." She stated, not remembering anything that happened last night.

The pirate girl was silent after that and so was the boy. But suddenly something new came on the TV. Pey didn't notice what it was as he was concerned with fixing her head. CJ however, was fixated on the screen.

"What is this?!" She shouted, watching as a shadow was inside some children's bedroom.

Pey looked up, his eyes widened as he stopped what he was doing and grabbed the remote. "Why do they have to play this right now?" He mumbled to himself, turning off the TV.

CJ looked back at him, "Turn it back on!"

Peyton grimaced a bit before turning it back on, "Are you sure you want to watch Peter Pan?"

CJ's eyes widened, and it was a good thing Pey had finished her stitches because she stood up from her place on the ground. Pointing her finger at Peyton in somewhat of a rage. "HA HA! I knew I recognized that shadow!" The pirate girl jumped onto the couch, "Wait, that scoundrel had a movie made about him!"

"Uh yeah." Pey stated, unimpressed. He had seen this movie multiple times, it was not one of his favorites.

"IS MY FATHER IN IT?" CJ questioned while getting in Pet's face in excitement.

"Yeah." He stated plainly again.

CJ sat down, curled her legs up to her chest and watched the movie. Her eyes never left. And once her dad showed up on the screen, she shouted. "HA HA! HE LOOKS SO YOUNG AND FUNNY! OH MY GOSH IS THAT SMEE!"

CJ rolled over onto her side and laughed, "If only my siblings could see this!"

Pey laughed at how much she was enjoying watching this movie, and he noticed how she gritted her teeth together and glared at the screen anytime Tinkerbell or Peter Pan appeared on the screen.

The boy stood up, and walked into the kitchen. CJ watched him for a moment, she felt the back of her head. Yep, she was all stitched up now.

"So, your mothers a nurse?" CJ questioned, her eyes still watching the movie.

"Yeah, she's probably in that movie somewhere too." The boy stated.

CJ looked puzzled, her heart raced. His mother wasn't someone like Tiger Lily or Wendy right? The pirate girl looked back at him, "And why would she be in this movie, Pet?"


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