WAR - Part 12

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Harry continued to push his hook against CJ's, and she was getting closer and closer to the corner of the room.

"Where's your muscle, huh, fish bait?" Harry cackled as he almost had her stuck into the corner.

But then, CJ got on idea. She pushed back as hard as she could, which only made him push harder. Then, she stopped pushing and let her brother push her into the wall. But she used his weight and height against him again, keeping her arms up as she jumped up. Both her hands were on her hook as she kicked her legs on to both corners of the walls. She ran backwards up the wall, flipping up and over her brother as she unhooked her hook and landed skillfully on the ground.

Quickly, she kicked him in to the corner. And when he turned around, CJ's hook was right up against his neck. "One wrong move and I'll cut that pretty face of yours into a million pieces, Harry." She said with a smile, and Harry raised his hands in the air.

"Drop the hook." CJ stated, and Harry sighed before dropping his hook on to the ground with a grunt.

She couldn't believe it, she had won.

CJ smiled in victory before kicking his hook away from him and stepping back. "That's how it's done, ya probably should have been taking notes, big brother!" She smiled, as Harry laughed awkwardly. And the young girl put the hook back to her side with a smile. But it was then that she remembered why she was there.

"WAIT! HOLD UP! I'm supposed to be mad at you! How could you!?" CJ yelled at her brother as he walked around her and picked up his hook. The boy rubbed it's silver curve on his coat, making it shiny and clean.

"I've done a lot of things, sissy. You're going to have to be more specific." Harry mumbled with a smirk before turning behind the table. He took off his coat and removed his shirt too, his chest being bare besides some scars and the new one CJ had just added to his collection. He mended to his wound as CJ jumped up on the table, knocking things over as she starred angrily at her brother.

"Bloody hell Harry! You attacked Harriet's crew! You burned down Havocs Tower!" CJ shouted as Harry put some sort of cream on his scar, before taking out stitches.

"Ah! So it did burn down, lucky me!" Harry said cheerfully, not really paying attention as he put a free stitches into his skin.

"Harry!" CJ shouted, slamming her fist down on to the table, making the things around them bounce up slightly. Harry didn't even move his head but moved his eyes to his sister. The blue in them popping out from the surrounding black guy liner. "Why did you do it?" She asked, sincerely concerned.

"Why not?" Harry questioned back, putting away his medicines and things. "We needed to expand our territory and her land was the nearest besides Father's. Besides, it's about time she got put in her place." Harry said as he put his shirt and coat back on, covering up his muscles. And putting the hat he had previously taken off, back over his scruffy brown hair.

"Her place is in Havoc Shores! And you didn't need to do anything! You know what I think? I think you are just jealous of what she has! BUT SHE'S FAMILY, SHE'S BLOOD! Oh and not to mention that Uma's gone, what are you doing it for her or something? I mean seriously, if she was going to come back for you don't you think she would have done it already? You're probably just taking your anger out on-"

Harry quickly slammed his hook down into the table as it stuck. He clenched his fists at his side while looking down. And CJ immediately knew she had hit a soft spot.

"It's time for you to leave." Harry stated, coming around the table and pushing her towards the door.

"No!" CJ shouted, turning around to him and grabbing the hand that was pushing her out. "You don't get to do that! You do not get to push me out! This isn't good Harry, you've already lost men! You started a war with the Queen of Havocs and I'm not going to stand by and watch you die for some stupid girl!"

"THIS ISN'T ABOUT UMA!" Harry shouted angrily, tearing his arm away from CJ with force.

CJ was quiet, she wasn't sure what to do. If it was about Uma or wasn't. If it was just jealousy. Or what? Why? She didn't know.

Harry had his head down and took his hat off his head, putting it behind him on the table. His messy hair was too messy for CJ not to fix, and she reached up and scrubbed her fingers through her brothers hair in this tense moment.

The pirate boy grabbed her hand and slowly brought it back down to her side. He looked at her in the eyes and was being completely serious when he told her, "Choose your side and do it now, if you don't it's going down."

CJ gulped with her mouth wide, as her brother placed his fingerless gloved hands on her shoulders. But still, CJ wouldn't choose. "No." She stated boldly, folding her arms across her chest.

Harry then pushed her shoulder and turned her body around to face the doorway out. "Gil!" He called out as he escorted her. More like forced her forwards.

"Choose your side and do it now, if you don't it's going down." oops look at that, I added another line to the song LOL

Also because of that, I've decided to call the next story section, "It's Going Down" I created two sick as heck photo edits. One for the beginning of the story and one for the HA HA! cover!

You're gonna love it! ;)

Also there's mostlikely 3 or 4 more story parts to "War" and be prepared because you're going to laugh and be like OOOOOHHHHHHHH DANNNNNNGGGGG
all at the same time!!!!

Another thing that's super cute, when Harry was little he called Harriet sissy but stuttered on his s' and made them sound more like a c and that's adorable. And now, since Harry feels pretty much abandoned by Harriet, he calls CJ sissy sometimes in a way to mock her but it's also cute still and yeah LOLOLOL

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