It's Going Down - Part 6

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The map laid out and spread across the bottom of the chest. Covering up other maps and various other goodies her father had stowed away. But it was there, like it was calling to her. Harriet had seen all her father's maps, with or without his permission. And yet, she had never seen this one.

But what made it even more peculiar, was that the map showed the way to some sort of treasure not in Auradon or Neverland, like the rest of the maps. But some place here, on the Isle of the Lost.

"Vitani." Harriet said, getting the younger girls attention. "Smell this, tell me what you know."

Harriet lifted the map to Vitani, she took it gently and sniffed the map three times.

"It's fairly new, your father's scent is on it but CJ's scent is stronger." Vitani stated, "It's been in the forbidden forests."

Harriet's eyes widened, but Damian spoke up before she could say anything.

"Pshh, the forbidden forests as in near the forbidden fortress?" He questioned her, not believing what she was saying as she shook her head yes. "That's sh**, no one goes out there."

"Which is why it would be an ideal place to hide a treasure." Harriet mumbled, before turning her attention back to Vitani.

"Can you smell any of the treasures on there?" She questioned.

"I don't have too." Vitani mumbled, looking at the map where a few words were written out. "It's says something about Pixie Dust."

That was it. Harriet had a smile as wide as the ocean now. Perhaps CJ had either made this map or found it, hiding what she brought back or maybe uncovering what had been there all along. And once her father had found that out, he had taken the map from her and locked it away.

Too bad, because now it belonged to Harriet.

All the three, suddenly heard noises coming from the docks. Weird noises. "Is there a croc dying or somethin?" Damian questioned, looking out through the broken window.

Harriet eyes widened as she rolled up the map, and placed it in her jacket. She quickly closed the chest and locked it up again. "I forgot, that boy can't whistle! Damn, that boy can't even tie his own shoes!"

The three quickly left the cabin, not caring to lock it back up as they walked quickly off the boat. But as soon as they got off the docks, they were met by laughter.

For Gil and Jakko were simply messing around, and that was where that irritating noise was coming from.

Gil was throwing some rotten blueberries of some sort in to Jakkos mouth. And everytime he'd catch another one, both the boys would shout a hurray.

"Let's see how much I can fit in my mouth!" Gil shouted, dumping the box of berries into his wide opened mouth.

Jakko jumped up and down as he ran up to Gil, watching in excitement. "GO! GO! GO!" He cheered.

"Jakko!" Harriet yelled, walking forwards and grabbing his ear, pulling him away from Gil. Then she pulled him down to her level, "We don't play with the enemy."

"Right, Captain. Sorry, Captain." He muttered, standing behind Harriet as she let him go and turned around to face Gil.

"What are you doing here?" She questioned him, her arms across her chest.

"Oh um-" The boy gulped, he had always been intimidated by Harriet. Today was no different. "I came to get some stuff at the shop for Harry."

Harriet smirked, maybe having him here would be a good thing. "And what exactly is Harry planning, hmm?"

Gil backed a way a little bit, running his hand through his hair and taking off his bandana. "H-he won't tell me, something about me not being able to know when I'm being tricked and-"

He stopped talking as Harriet turned around with her Havocs, and they walked away. Her giving him a nasty hair whip.

"Rude." Gil muttered a little too loudly, as Harriet looked back at him.

She stepped forwards and banged her leg on the docks. All while snapping her teeth forwards towards Gil. And even though he was a good ten feet away, it still scared the living daylights out of him. He jumped a little bit, and quickly began running up the stairs and towards the shop.

Vitani and Damian laughed, while Jakko just looked sad that his friend had been scared away.

Harriet gave the hook and the sword to Damian, "Run these in to my sister. Make sure my father doesn't see you."

He nodded and ran up the corner, deciding to go in through​ the front door. A few moments later, he came back to the group as they waited for him on the docks.

"She says thanks." Damian said, and the four started their journey back to Havoc shores.

But there were only two things on her mind now. War. And what was going to help her win the War. The new found treasure of Pixie Dust. And whether it would work or not on the island, she didn't know. All she knew was that she needed to find it, before anyone else did.

It was time to go treasure hunting.


I'm going to give you guys the chance to come up with a kid of an evil villain, leave your character in the comments! And I will choose one of the characters to be featured in the next Descendants Book I'm writing, "Wild Things"!

This is what you have to do:

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