Home - Part 11

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But suddenly banging was heard on the closed doors, violent banging. "COME OUT CJ! WE KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE!" A boy shouted angrily, and more fists and shouts could be heard against the doors.

Harry looked confused for a second but smiled at his younger sister, had she already caused a riot on her first day back? He was proud.

"Who are they?" He questioned, throwing his hook back and forth in his hands.

"Well, I've been here all day looking for you, and I've also learned that I made enemies I didn't even know I had. So, that's either Freddy's gang who blame me for her turning soft....or it's Zevon's gang who blame me for him being captured. Who knows it could be both!" CJ smirked, leaning against the old wooden table as Harry looked at her and smiled.

"Probably best to go out the back then, eh?" He stated, winking. "There's going to be a lot of things happening very soon CJ, I think it's best that you go home and stay there until I come and get you. But knowing you, that probably won't happen so please at least stay away from this place and the harbor." Harry pleaded with his younger sister, because he did care, most importantly he wanted his sister to be safe.

"Why can't I stay with you?" She questioned, making her all too well known and famous puppy dog face. Harry looked at her for a moment before laughing wide and pushing her face away from him with his gloved hand.

"Go home, CJ, little girls like you need to rest." Harry stated, he then walked over to his pile and slid the newly sharpened hook down to where CJ was sitting.

"I'm only fourteen-" She stopped talking when her eyes found the hook coming towards her. CJ smiled wildly, and looked at her brother. "But I didn't win it back." The little girl was confused, and her brother scoffed.

"Think of it, as a brthdy prsnt."

CJ titled her head to the side in confusion, laughing just a tad. "I'm sorry, are you stuttering?" She teased.

Harry sighed, knowing that his little stutters would only waist time. He needed to get to Uma, to find Mal. But he didn't want to let on anymore happiness and love then he already had. "Birthday present. Ya are fifteen now right?" He mumbled, clearly but lowered his voice so no one would hear. He even looked around again, making sure nobody was there watching in the shadows.

And that's when CJ went into laughter, "You remembered?" She questioned, for her birthday was today ironically. It's not like they ever celebrated birthdays on the Isle of the Lost, but it was nice to know that at least her brother knew it was her special day. Her day.

"Shut up." Harry stated, and CJ grabbed the hook, placing it into her long red jacket with a smile. She then went over to his pile of stuff, grabbing his hat and placing it on her head. It wasn't long before he took his from her with a smile and placed it on his own head. "Yeah, no." He stated.

Soon, the pounding became louder, and it became clear that the people outside were restless.

"It's time for you to go." Harry stated. He went over to CJ, and wrapped his arm around her shoulders, leading her to the back door.

"How long will I have to wait?" She questioned, looking up at her older brother as her long wavy blond hair swayed back and forth.

"Not long, I promise, but very soon we'll be able to escape this island. Together. I promise." Harry stated, before pushing his sister out of his arms and away towards the door. He wouldn't dare show too much sanity and love in one day, he was still evil after all.

"See you later, brother." CJ mumbled, opening the door as she was about to exit. Harry nodded his head, his way to say Goodbye...

hold on, you didn't think that was the end of the story did you?

;) ;) ;)

ps, that picture is from when Harry was eleven and CJ was eight 😭

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