Interruption: Harriet Hook's Crew

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The Captain: Harriet Hook

Description: Harriet Hook (20) will never be found in her study, she'll be right in the center of all the action

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Description: Harriet Hook (20) will never be found in her study, she'll be right in the center of all the action. She is as bad as they come, and loves the very few. But she shows it in hard ways, tough love being the answer. If you're not in her crew or related to her, she won't talk to you. And if you dare step to her, you better be prepared to have a scar across your face. She takes her position as Captain Hook, very seriously. And if you mess with one of them, you mess with all of them. She began building her gang at age thirteen, and has her own territory on the Isle now.

First Mate: Sammy Smee

Description: Sammy Smee (16) is described as a complete dork

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Description: Sammy Smee (16) is described as a complete dork. He is only kept around because of his family history with the Hook family. Usually, he's stumbling around behind Harriet and purposely hiding in her shadow. He is too trusting, which gets him in a lot of trouble and he is usually the victim of his crew members pranks. Truly, he is bullied by a lot of them. He doesn't think life is too bad, and his laughter and smile is contagious.

Quartermaster: Big Murph

Description: Big Murph (20) is a giant love bug

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Description: Big Murph (20) is a giant love bug. He isn't evil, but follows Harriet blindly. To everyone on the ship, he is the big brother. He's not afraid to be strict and tell everyone what needs to be done and do it. Truly, he's good for Harriet, keeping her from going off the edge in pressured situations. He's the good influence, and apart of the Anti Hero club, even though his crew doesn't know. If someone messes with him, Harriet will mostlikely make them walk the plank.

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