WAR - Part 14

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Harry walked into the shop, his hook in his hand as he whistled a little tune. Which quickly ended as soon as he saw Harriet sitting on the counter.

"Hiya!" Harriet mocked him, waving her hand annoyed. It was taking everything in her to sit down and talk like her little sister wanted, it was so much easier to yell and throw things.

He grunted and turned on his heels, trying to exit the shop before CJ showed up in front of the door and blocked his exit. "I lied, aren't you proud?" She said, one of her signature grins plastered on her face as she batted her eyes.

Harry knelt down to his sister's level, holding his arms up above her shoulders and against the wooden door. CJ gulped, boy did her brother know how to intimidate. It was a special skill of his.

"Why is she here?" Harry mumbled through gritted teeth.

"This is my home too, Harry." Harriet stated from behind them, overhearing her brother.

Harry turned around angrily, holding his hook up and walking towards his sister in rage. "No! This used to be your home but you decided to leave! You left us!"

Apparently, a quiet conversation that was supposed to happened, wasn't going to happen. CJ ran forwards, getting in between Harriet and Harry. She pushed against Harry's chest as he marched forwards, trying to stop him. The sight was very amusing.

"I know you are angry with me brother, but this is my home. I hold this hook same as you!" Harriet shouted back, jumping off the counter and grabbing the hook from inside her black Havoc coat.

"You're not worthy of that hook!" Harry shouted back.

CJ pushed against him, but he didn't even seem to notice her in his rage. Soon enough, CJ was the only thing in between the two as they got closer and closer to each other's throats. "Guys! Stop! Please! You need to-"

"Oh really?" Harriet smirked, "Because I think father would say that I am the only one worthy of holding this hook in my hands!"

Harry laughed one of his high pitched laughs, he was about to go on but Harriet interrupted.

"You want to try that laugh again and sound more like a man this time?" Harriet joked, folding her arms across her chest. Hook still in hand.

"Says the one whose legs look like they're part Beast!" Harry spat back.

Harriet eyes widened as she raised her hook towards her brother, but CJ kicked it away while holding Harry's hook down at his side. Of course, it didn't do much, she'd have to push and kick mutiple times so one of them wouldn't die.

"For your information! I wax my legs thank you very much! And why don't you try wearing less makeup than me for a change, huh?!"

Harry turned around for a second, and CJ caught her breath from holding him away from Harriet. But, he turned around to knock over a stalked shelf. "Great." CJ mumbled to herself, "More work." Everything rolled over on to the floor, and Harry had thrown it down so hard that the boards cracked and broke on the shelving.

"I should have thrown you into that fire!" Harry shouted back, and boy were the two very loud as they went at each other's throats.

"I should have slit your throat when I had the chance!" Harriet shouted back.

Harry and her were neck and neck now, their hooks were locked together in a fury and they were about to grab ahold of their swords. But that was before CJ stepped in.

She pushed her way in between her siblings again, and being the shortest and definitely not the most fearsome pirate. The girl couldn't get the attention of her fighting siblings. So she tried a different tactic.

CJ grabbed ahold of their hooks and hung herself on them, tearing the hooks away from her siblings hands. And as she fell down, she stepped on both her siblings feet.

"CJ!" They both shouted at the same time, as CJ backed up.

The pirate girl put both the hooks on the buckle around her waist. She took a few steps backwards and looked at her siblings with her arms across in annoyance.

"Swords now!" She held out her hands for her siblings to hand over their weapons.

They looked at each other, being torn from their bickering. But they both wouldn't be as stupid as to give up their weapons.

"Give me your swords or I'll throw your hooks into a crocodiles mouth." CJ smiled.

They both rolled their eyes and handed CJ their swords. She took them and threw them behind her on the ground, standing in front of them like a guard would.

"Alrighty siblings! Talk it out! Find a peaceful solution or something." CJ demanded. Having no idea how to make a peaceful solution, this was the Isle of the Lost. She should have paid more attention to those AK kids when she had the chance.

"There is no peaceful solution he wants my land!" Harriet shouted and Harry turned to her with fury, "Yes I do! So move out or bleed out! Your choice, Queen of Absolute Morons!"

CJ moved forwards just a tad and punched both her siblings hard across their faces. They both turned their attention to CJ, stepping forwards to get revenge. The little one gulped and stepped back, "Haha perhaps that was too much...nevermind carry on."

Harry reached over and grabbed the hoop earrings around CJ's ear, pulling her towards him. Well at least it wasn't the hair this time.

But it was then that another voice echoed throughout the room. "Well well well...." Captain James Hook walked down the stairs and into the shop, looking at his bickering children...


yes, I do this Everytime I write, it's how I have a good story LOL

there's one more part after this, ONE MORE! and boy is it gonna be like, oh my gosh I can't believe this just happened. War is coming.

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