The End - ENDING

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CJ shouted out of anger, rage like she has never experienced before coursing through her blood. "NO! THAT'S MINE!"

Harry walked over closer to them, trying to talk with their father from the docks. Carefully talking to him, watching his tongue and his words. For fear that he might be the next target on his list.

"Father, please, can we rationalize-" His words were cut off by CJ's screaming as she saw what her father was doing...

As they were all watching, one man brought him gasoline. And now, he was pouring it all along the deck of CJ's ship. Every pirate knew, that water and fire, were completely opposites. But, water, fire, and gasoline. That spelled absolutely disaster. Harry wasn't that different from his father that day, but Harry had apologized for destroying what Harriet had worked so hard for.

Their father, would never apologize.

"NO!" CJ shouted, pulling herself away from the pirates. And she quickly turned around, punching the two that had kept her there in the face.

While the crowd awed and cowered at what was happening, finally, some more excitement on the Isle. "THAT IS MY SHIP! YOU HAVE NO RIGHT!"

Captain Hook looked down to his daughter who was marching her way up to the soon to be burning ship, "I have every right, my dear! And everyone knows, if you bring a ship into my waters, it becomes mine!"

CJ wasn't listening as she marched, she could care less about what her father had to say. Maybe he was drunk? Maybe he was on something? But she didn't care.

He never stopped acting like a pirate. He never stopped, and started acting like a father. And CJ, was tired of it.

Suddenly, the whole top deck of the ship went up in to flames with one drop of a match. The treasure had been taken off, and was being hauled away by the men. But CJ didn't care about that, she cared about this ship. This ship was everything she had worked for, her whole life.

At night she'd dream about being able to sail across the waters. To have a crew, and be a Captain. Shout commands at pirates, and taste the salty air as they rules the seas.

"NO!" CJ cried out, tears coming into her eyes. Before feeling fear, that turned into anger.

But she watched, seeing the ship she had loved go up into flames. Captain Hook walked off the deck and went down to the docks, a smile along his lips. He had shown his daughter, he had proven to her that she had no right to touch what was his.

"How could you?!" CJ cried out, running past him and trying to get back on her ship. Try to save it.

She felt tears began to stream down her eyes as her heart hurt. CJ was crazy enough to try and save the Gasoline covered ship. Harry quickly ran up and grabbed ahold of his little sister who was about to run in to burning hot fire. She fought him, trying to get out of his hold.

But suddenly she became weak, and she could almost only see flames now. The sails burning. It creaked and cracked, about to fall into the ocean.

CJ gave in to her brother, she couldn't look. The girl turned around and grabbed on to her brothers shirt, pulling on it as she cried into his chest. He held her, rubbing her back softly as he watched the ship go up in flames. Wide eyed.

Harry turned around and walked CJ back down to the docks quickly, knowing things could fall on them at any moment.

"Father!" Harriet was shouting at him as they came near. And Harry looked at his father as if he was looking at a complete stranger.

"Don't fight my battles for me." CJ stated, placing her hand on Harriet's shoulder. Stopping her from arguing with their father, as CJ stepped forwards. Taking her place.

Before the Captain could say anything, CJ spoke up. "You have never loved me!" She shouted, no screamed at the pirate man.

He rolled his eyes and scoffed, swinging around her sword in his hand with a laugh. "You don't deserve love. You were a mistake, and since when did someone love a mistake?"

His words cut deep into her heart, and opened up all of the other scars he had caused.

"All my life...all my life! I did everything! You told me too! And I did it for you! I got a ship! I avenged our family! I got back your golden compass! AND THIS IS HOW YOU REPAY ME! You pushed me! And pushed me! And pushed me! To be like you. BUT I DON'T WANT TOO! BECAUSE YOU ARE A DRUNK DISGRACEFUL FATHER WHO DOESNT GIVE A DAMN ABOUT HIS CHILDREN! AND I AM DONE! BEING A HOOK!"

CJ grabbed the Hook on her buckle, throwing it into the burning fire.

Everyone was quiet.

But then she held out her hand, demanding he gave her back her sword. Her father laughed, "Oh, you never were. And you never will be. In fact, you will never amount to anything in your pathetic little life."

Why had she tried so hard to please this drunken sailor? Why had she tried so hard to prove she was a hook? Why? Why had she faked her own death? Tricked her own family?

For this?

Harriet and Harry stood behind CJ with gaped mouths, Sammy copying them from behind. They had no idea what just happened, but they were pretty sure CJ had just been exiled out of the Hook family. By her choice.

"I never wanted you, and never will." Her father stated, which was the last motivation that CJ needed to end him.

The pirate girl ran forwards, surprising the Captain as he swung her sword he had towards her. He wasn't as skilled, when he was sober. CJ ducked, having training, and grabbed his hand that held her enchanted sword.

In one swift move, she turned the sword towards the Captain as he still held it in his hand. His hook raised above his head, as he tried to hook his daughter.

But it was too late. The tip of the sword touched the man's skin off his older arm. A magic dome of some sort, covered his entire body. His face was frozen in anger, and his hook was raised in the air. But for the next hundred years, he would be trapped inside of there. Because he was still holding the sword, there was no way to get him out. Captain James Hook, had been foiled by his own daughter.

Her siblings didn't say a word as CJ turned around with anger. Moving past them and climbing aboard her father's ship. What had just happened, they thought. The sky cracked with lightning as a storm was rolling in. And the ashes from the Sea Lily, flew in the air as they came on to peoples skin and burned. The pirates below watched CJ with anticipation, confusion, and worry. Because she basically, condemned the Captain James Hook, her father, to death.

CJ climbed up some ropes that hung off the side of the Jolly Roger. Everyone was quiet, they were too afraid to say a word. Too afraid to blink, for fear of missing what might happen next.

The pirate girl looked around to the many pirates and thugs of the Isle of the Lost. And with her father trapped, she finally felt free. And a wicked smile spread across her face. Very wicked.


A few cheers and claps aroused in the crowds, before it picked up loudly. But still, people were awestruck. They didn't know what just happened, or how to comprehend it.

"WE RIDE WITH THE TIDE!" CJ shouted, raising her fist in the air with pride and victory.

There was a new Captain in this town now, Hook was no more...

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