Sunsets - Part 11

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Harry tugged on his arm but it only made the line tighten on his wrist. He looked at CJ as she took a few steps backwards and grabbed his hook and her hook from the wall. She took them both, and placed them on her belt.

The pirate boy grunted, reaching out with his other hand to grab his sister. But she was moved away too far. "You little runt!" He shouted, irritated as CJ simply laughed.

Harry was able to move a few feet, but that was about it. He went to the drawers behind the counter, opening them and looking for something to cut himself free. But, they were empty. CJ had been planning this. He looked at CJ with his teeth grinding together, now he was mad. Harry then remembered his sword, he reached down to his holster. But, it was gone.

"Looking for this?" CJ questioned, bringing his sword out from behind her back. She held it in her hand with a smile across her face.

"I don't have time for this, CJ!" Harry spat, trying to pull off the fishing line with his free hand.

"Now you are going to do what I want, because if ya don't then you're just gonna be trapped there until ya do." She stated, sitting down on the other end of the counter. "So you can either be trapped there, until ya do what I want. Or, you can just agree to do it now and I'll let you go."

"CJ, I'm being serious. Let me go, and I won't hurt you." He stated.

She laughed, being amused at her brothers attempt to scare her. Even though, he would most probably end up doing something. "I'm being serious Harry, do what I say and I'll let you go."

Harry sighed looked down to the ground, and as much as he hated it, he gave in to his sister. "Whaddya want?"

CJ clapped her hands together, proud of herself for getting her brother to comply. She got up on her hands and knees on the counter, looking at him. "Father has his men following me around, I need ya to go out there and make them go bye bye."

Harry scoffed, laughing slightly. "You want me to knock off, father's men?" He asked, thinking that CJ had absolutely lost her mind.

"No!" CJ shouted, "I just want ya to get them off my back, savvy?"

Harry bit his lip, thinking to himself how he should have never come down here to begin with. The boy frowned, "Fine."

CJ giggled with glee, "Hook's honor?"

Now, the Hooks honor was something they would say which would secure their verbal agreements. Anytime a Hook would bargain, they would use the Hooks honor code to seal their fates. If the code was broken, the consequences would be whatever the opposer could imagine. Even death. But, for a Hook kid, to break a Hook's honor would be like breaking a heart.

Harry grinned annoyed, "Hook's Honor." He stated, and CJ pulled out her stolen sword before quickly slicing the fishing line in half.

But one thing that the Hooks Honor had, was loop holes. A Hook was honest and true, but if you didn't choose your words carefully you'd be eating them. And in this moment, all CJ had said was she needed him to get rid of the guards. Nothing about seeking his revenge on her right now.

And CJ knew that.

She pointed her sword at him as he stepped forwards, daring him to come at her. CJ laughed at him before she ran through the back doors of the store, and out on to the docks. He chased her out, laughing wildly. "You're fish bait now!"

As soon as Harry was outside, he saw his sister holding his sword and his hook out above the docks, over the dark crocodile infested waters. Instantly, Harry stopped and raised his hands in the air. But honestly, he was thinking, great not this again. "Alright, alright." He said with cation in his voice.

"Nah uh, now, ya tell me what's wrong and I'll give your things back to you." She smiled, loving this game she played back and forth with her brother. It was their thing.

Harry knew that he couldn't waist anymore time. He would either have to try and grab it from her, and end up taking a swim. Or he could just, tell her what was wrong. The reason CJ had done this, was because she knew he'd never willingly talk about his feelings, that was just something Hook kids never did.

"Uma's gone." He stated, running his hands through his hair and pulling at the brown mess.

"What?" CJ's eyes widened, thinking she was dead or something. But, how?

"She went missing a day or so ago, nobody's seen her since Mal and her friends were here. She went to Auradon, trying to get us out, but- I don't know what happened to her. Right now, I'm in charge of her territory. I'm Captain. I've got a lot of stuff planned, and I've got to keep it up, so can I please have my things back?"

Now CJ kind of felt bad for playing with her brother like this. That's why he was different, he was stressed and worried. And why he was up so early. She knew how he cared for Uma, even if he didn't know it himself.

Harry reached out his hand, waiting for CJ to give him back his sword and hook. She looked up, realizing the men were now coming to the back and watching her. So, she gave the things back to her brother but kept her sword up in case he still wanted to get back at her.

Harry gave a fake smile, more like a deflated smile that turned into a frown. He then turned on his heels and went to walk back up to the shop, CJ following behind him.

"Harry." CJ called out to him, stopping on the wooden stairs. He turned his head to the side, but he wouldn't look at her. "I'm sure Uma's fine, those Bor-a-dons don't have the guts to kill anybody."

At this comment he smiled a bit, looking down at CJ. "That's not what I'm worried about."

She looked up with a questionable face, wondering what it was then. He sighed, turning his head and continuing up the stairs to the back door. "I'm worried that she became one of them."

so it has been raining the whole time, so we left camping early, sad but also yay cause then I get to post more for all of you! except, we are driving back and videos won't load so instead I put this cute picture of Harry and CJ up there ;)

Also, on my own, I've finished Sunsets and I've started War. Lemme tell ya, you guys are going to freak and absolutely love it all and hate it all at the same time!!!!


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