It's Going Down - Part 4

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He was blocking her way on the trail, leading to her destination. Which was easy to do considering her size. He reached down to her hand that was covering the necklace, and tried to pull it off her chest.

CJ smacked the side of his head with the ice pack and he winced in pain. "Never get that close to a lady's chest without permission!"

Sammy looked at her with confusion and a smirk along his face, "I'm just being more bad, per your wishes. And since when were you a lady?"

"I never asked you to do that!" CJ shouted at him, and a few birds flew from the dark trees being startled, "And I'm pretty sure since I was formed in my mother's womb! Basic life knowledge Sammy, keep up!"

Suddenly, Sammy barely tapped her hurt leg with his foot. He had been following her and watching her, and knew she had a limp. But very easily, she stumbled to the side. Letting go of the ice pack and her chest to catch her balance from falling in the dirt.

"AH HA!" Sammy shouted, pointing to her chest. Where a golden necklace with a little bird at the end, hung from her neck. Nobody would have thought anything of it. Well, except for the common street thugs who thought about stealing from the daughter of Captain Hook. But of course, they considered their options and decided it wouldn't be the best idea. "You're wearing my necklace!"

CJ stomped her feet on the ground like a child, which was something she regretted afterwards with her aching body. The pirate girl went around Sammy and kept wobbling down the trail. "Well if this is your necklace, then it's very feminine, don't ya think?"

Sammy smiled as he followed her, "Why are you wearing the necklace I made you if you don't like me, huh?"

"Because I like the necklace, not you, Smee." CJ stated, but still the boy followed her relentlessly.

"Not true! In fourth year you had a crush on Anthony Tremaine and he gave you a bracelet! And you loved that thing! You said it matched your coat and looked great on you! But then when he told you he liked Jess and that you were too young for him, you threw that bracelet in the ocean even though you loved it! You would have done the same thing to that necklace if you didn't have feelings for me."

CJ stopped walking and turned around with disbelief. It was true, but how the hell did he remember that?

"That was in fourth! Sammy! That doesn't mean anything or even make sense! I like it, I wear it!"

CJ turned again, and kept walking forwards down the trail. But somebody through the fog, back towards Havoc Shores, called out to Sammy to come back and help them.

"Looks like you're needed somewhere else, little doggy." CJ shouted back to him, "Stay out of my business, and out of my life!"

And with that, Sammy skipped back with his mixed emotions down the trail. And CJ, well, she waddled back to her father's shop with her mixed emotions.

Of course, she thought the necklace was absolutely beautiful. Breathtaking almost. So wearing it would be normal right. No. CJ never wore anything very valuable, for fear of it being stolen. But this, she wore this because it meant something to her. But what?

CJ was still trying to figure that out.


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