Home - Part 3

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| Hey Gil |

"low on self esteem
so we run on gasoline"


...But besides him being drop dead dumb, CJ thought he was drop dead gorgeous.

As her brother pushed forwards, CJ suddenly unhinged her hook from his. This made his body move forwards, and she went underneath his hook and on to the other side. Just for a moment she ignored her brother as Gil spotted her.

"Hey Gil!" CJ shouted, more flirtatiously than she would normally shout at anybody. Her booted feet walked along the table, heading towards him as he smiled brightly.

"No." Was Harry's flat out response, he hooked onto his younger sister's arm and pulled her back towards him swiftly. "We are not done talking." He stated again, shooting a nasty glare at Gil.

"Gil." He started, "Uma wanted to meet you down by the docks, why don't you go and wait for her there, mate?"

Gil nodded with his dumb smile, "Oh okay!" The boy stumbled, before CJ caught his eyes again and she blew him a kiss. The older boy blushed, laughed, and made his way out of the back of the store. Of course, Harry had lied to get him out of CJ's sight.

As soon as Harry had seen her little act, he moved his hook so that the edge went into the skin of her sleeved arm. It hurt annoyingly, but he wouldn't actually ever hurt his sister.

"Hey!" CJ complained, she knew she couldn't just simply pull her arm away. No, that would cause her arm to be sliced apart by the edge of her brothers hook.

He winked at his sister with a devilish smile, "I guess you're fish bait now."

CJ smirked and threw her hook from one hand into her other hand, the one that was attached to the free arm. The younger girl threw her hook at his head, forcing him to release her other arm and block her attack.

"So!" CJ started as they held their ground, pushing their Hooks against each other as they made terrible sounds and sparks flew. "It's been months and you're still just a first mate, mate?"

At this comment, Harry's hook faltered for a second but not too much to let CJ advance.

"Says the one who was only ever good for cleaning shipworms off dad's deck." He spat playfully, knowing that what he was talking about was a sensitive topic.

When they were kids, they would each be given jobs by their father. And being the youngest meant cleaning, easy to get into the hard spaces, easy to clean off the sides of the boat. And easy to get terrible sick from all the nasty shipworms.

All CJ ever wanted was to have a crew of her own, a ship. Both her siblings got that, Harriet went on to be a Captain, and Harry was first mate and had been for a while. But CJ, she was a failed attempt.

Her hand faltered and she tripped up, the hook slipping from the wedged place she had been in. In that split second that she stumbled, Harry reached out and grabbed ahold of her.

The next thing she knew, his arm was wrapped around her chest and shoulders keeping her still in front of him. He held her close to his body so that she could not wiggle away, and his hook was right close to her neck. CJ had been able to place her hook within his in that chaos, and fought back as much as she could. Her arms were down at her side, but she had been able to bend one. CJs hook was around his, that was very close to her neck, and she used all the strength she had to keep her hook from slipping, to keep his hook from digging into the soft skin on her neck.

so I decided that I would update it every time I get 5 or more reads, YAYA! so if you guys would be so kind as to leave feedback that would be great! and for all of you reading, THANK YOU!

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