Lost Girl - Part 3

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CJ felt a wet cold tongue come in contact with her skin. The pup was back, and he was licking her awake. His breath smelt absolutely horrid. She had maybe only been asleep for thirty minutes or so, and he came back.

The pirate girl immediately pushed him off her and into the sand, "Ew! You smell worse than dead fish! Take a breath mint, mutt!"

The dog panted, as if he had been running as he sat in the sand. CJ noticed the moon had only lowered a tad more than it had been, the stars had moved just a little bit. That's how she was able to tell the time. When she looked back at the mutt, he was looking to the other side of CJ. Directly at something. Or someone.

The girl looked to where the dog was looking, and a few feet away from her was an older boy. He was standing against a tree, watching CJ and a concerned look was plastered against his face.

CJ jumped up to her feet, her hand reached for her hook as she unhooked it from her belt and held it towards the boy. "How'd you find me!?"

The boy raised his hands in defense, "Woah calm down chica, Perry lead me to you." He stated calmly, like it was nothing.

He knew very well who this girl was, and that she was wanted. But he also knew, that on the island they didn't have the best hospitals and she wasn't in the best conditions.

"Who the hell is Perry?" CJ stated, a scowl across her face as she stepped forwards towards the boy. Her hand moved quickly, despite her still shaking and wet. She twisted the hook so that it's tip was facing upwards.

"My dog." He stated, motioning down calmly to the pooch who was simply laying in the sand.

CJ furrowed her eyebrows together and looked at the dog, "Traitor."

"Are you okay?" The boy then asked, CJ looked at him with wide eyes. She knew she wasn't, but she was surprised that he wasn't calling the police already.

"Get lost, pretty boy." CJ responded, standing her ground as the boy just chuckled softly.

"Your the one that's lost, sea lily. You need help-" He took a step forwards, CJ seemingly growled.

"Take one more step and I'll slice your throat open." She would, that was not a lie. CJ wasn't afraid to get her hands dirty, and she didn't care how cute- caring, this boy was.

He was however very attractive, he was maybe a few years older than CJ. He had bright blue eyes, nice tan skin with a few freckles on his face, and on the top of his head laid a soft thick layer of light brown hair. He even had some muscles that CJ could see, simply by looking at his figure, but he definitely did not match up to Gil that's for sure.

And what was up with the nickname? Sea lily? What was even a sea lily?

"Let me help you." The boy stated, but he didn't take a step forwards. He knew too well, that her type usually kept threats they made.

"I can help myself, and I'm not lost, get outta here." She stated, becoming impatient with him. CJ involuntarily coughed, she was definitely sick.

"Yeah I'm pretty sure you don't own the beach, lost boy." The kid said, and CJ looked offended. And she thought to herself, do I seriously look that bad that he thinks I'm a boy?

"I'm a lost girl, not lost boy, you idiot." CJ stated, the boy just smiled. "What?" The pirate girl asked, confused.

"So you are lost?" The boy smiled, raising his eyebrows as he spoke. CJ bit the inside of her lip, a nervous habit of hers. She tried to think of something witty to say, but she was completely drained of all her energy and sick. This bantering was making her irritated, she was about to attack this boy. He just looked at her with the look of ha, "Gotcha." He winked. But it wasn't just that, that caused something to stir inside her memories. It was something he said, lost - boy?

"I already hate you in-" Suddenly, she began coughing again. And her head hurt terribly, she grabbed the back of her head as she stumbled backwards. The dog barked, and the boy reached forwards to try and help CJ. But it was then that he saw that the backside of her head was covered in blood. His eyes widened, and he reached out to grab her but it was too late. CJ's bare feet stumbled in the sand, and she suddenly blacked out, passing out into the sand beneath her...

Ooo, is all I'm gonna say for this one right now LOL! anyways I'm changing the rules again, so still before I post the next chapter I have to have 3 stars, 1 comment, and at least ten people who have read the previous chapter. Then after that I'll post the next one, that way I'll have a little more time to write more before I post ;)

also look at that picture above, who wouldn't think he's totally cute?

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