My Love - ENDING

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"Lucy!" CJ shouted, shutting the door to the closed Steal and Deal shop. Her blue eyes looked around as CJ stuffed her pockets in her red coat. Inside this place was everything you could think of, Junk upon Junk upon Junk. It was basically what people would call a Pawn Shop, but it was so much more.

Ruffians and Thugs would come and fight to win competitions that Lucy would put on. And people would come in with things they would either own or steal, and trade or get money for it from the woman behind the counter.

The walls were covered with posters of King Ben and his Lady Mal, torn or drawn on of course. And different store signs, especially one saying, "Once it's mine, it's mine!" Classic.

Everything was thrown on random shelves, being mixed and matched in random ways. The room was narrow, filled with everything as soon as you walked in. And then to the side, was the counter where the deals would be made. A little door was visible on the back wall, where the back room was.

And Lucy lived back there, and that's where CJ had also crashed with her for a month or so after dying. Or, faking her death. Lucy's place was clear from Pirates Bay, on the other side of the Island. And-

"HEY-" CJ jumped slightly as the woman shouted, banging her head on the counter as she was putting stuff underneath it.

The woman who looked to be in her mid thirties, jumped up and looked at CJ with excitement. She rubbed her head as she ran around the counter and came up to the pirate girl, "Hey baby girl! Welcome home!" Lucy said, her country accent was hinted on her tongue.

The woman hugged CJ, and she hugged her back. The Hook had known her ever since she was ten and ran away from home. Lucy was the one that found her, and took her in for a few days, before sending her home. After that, CJ would come by every month to check out the new nicknacks in the shop. And of course, say hello to the only mother figure in her life. Well, besides Harriet. But unlike her sister, Lucy actually showed regular love and not just tough love.

"Haha, thanks..." CJ mumbled with a smile, pulling away from the lady.

Lucy had dirty blond hair, most of the time. But sometimes she'd make her way to Curl Up and Dye, and come back with platinum blonde hair before it returned back to it's natural dirty blond. And her green eyes showed brightly through her perfectly pale skin.

The woman took a step back and looked CJ up and down. "Baby, you haven't been eating have you? Here, lemme fix you up somethin!"

Lucy went to turn around and head to the back room. But CJ reached out with a smile and grabbed the woman's arm, pulling her back around to face her. "It's okay, Lu. I gotta get going, actually, I just came by to grab my stuff."

The woman's smile faded as she nodded her head, "Are ya sure ya can't stay for a lil while?"

CJ smirked and walked over to the counter, setting down a few dollar bills for the stuff she needed. Lucy sighed and walked next to her, not behind the counter. She put her hand on the money and pushed it back towards the girl, "Nah uh, baby, I've got you!"

Now usually CJ wouldn't pass up on a free offer, but she knew that Lucy needed this money. "Are you sure?" CJ questioned.

Lucy smiled brightly, "Of course, honey!" She said, "Lemme grab ya stuff, I'll be right back!"

The woman walked into the back room to grab a backpack with mutiple different items CJ needed. And as she did, CJ jumped up on the counter and behind it. She opened up the register, placing her money inside before closing it, "And I got you..." She mumbled to herself. And jumped back over to where she was, just as Lucy walked back out.

"Here ya go, hun!" Lucy smiled, handing the bag to CJ. She took it, opening the zipper and looking inside with a smile.

"Thanks, Lucy!" She smiled, hugging her again softly before turning to head out the door.

"Did ya talk to that Sammy Smee boy yet?" Lucy called out, them having talked about it when she stayed with her a few months ago. The woman was leaning against the table, raising her eyebrows in a taunting way.

CJ smiled, blushing. "Can't talk, gotta go bye!" The pirate girl muttered, turning and heading out of the glass door.

Now Lucy was kind to CJ, and a few others. But, you didn't want to get on her bad side. Because she did have a dark history. And she wasn't afraid to put someone in their place if they stepped out of line. But CJ, she knew her only as kind. Except for that one time that she was over when she was little. And a man had decided it would be a good idea to slap Lucy across the face, wrong. And it was then that CJ learned, Lucy had a wicked side.
And not to get on her enemy list.

Besides that, CJ was happy she had met that lady. She needed someone like that in her life, it made her a little more, her. And made her life, a little more, more...

so I know it's kinda late to enter a new character into a story that's ending soon, but she's super important in the second book so I thought, hey why not!!!!

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