It's Going Down - Part 1

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It was the next morning and CJ's body was aching from the night before. But she carried along anyways, and she limped every time she took a step. And today, she was wearing an excessive amount of eyeliner to cover up the purple around one of her eyes.
Which made her look very much like her brother today.

CJ had been able to walk through the path she made to Havoc Tower, but she wasn't there for training. She was there for a proposal, a negotiation for her sister. Today, she wasn't jumped and taken to Harriet like the day before. CJ knew that men were hiding in the trees, covered by the fog. And not just because Jakko hung down from a limb like a possum and said hello. CJ pushed him away when he jumped down and tried to help her walk, being too stubborn to accept the help that she needed.

Her sister had told her men to let CJ through, knowing that she wasn't a threat. So CJ made her way down the cliff side steps and to the boat that sat in Havoc Shores. But her sister wasn't there. And CJ grunted as she had to climb the many steps back up the cliff and to the tower that was halfway in ashes.

As she came in to sight of the tower, a few of Harriet's men and her came along on horses. Her sisters horse was as black as the war paint streaked across her face. She jumped off her horse and carried him alongside her as she walked up to CJ. "I thought you would have figured there would be no training today, unless your here to join me."

CJ smiled and grabbed a sack on her buckle, holding it in her hand. She took a few steps backwards away from the horse, she wasn't very found of anything that was bigger than her. That's why she liked birds. "No. I need your help." The girl stated, hoping her sister wouldn't notice her swollen eye or her limping leg.

"And why should I help you when you refused to help me?" Harriet questioned, giving the ropes to Cass as she came and put the horses back into the pens.

"Because, I've got something you'll want." CJ threw the bag into the air, getting her sisters attention.

Harriet reached out as CJ threw it again. Taking the bag from her sister. She looked inside and her eyes widened as she spotted pieces of crystals. The very crystals that her father had broken, were now beginning to be of use.

"Those are crystals from Neverland. Father's words not mine, and you can ask. Hooks Honor, I'm telling the truth." CJ stated, folding her hurting arms across her chest.

Harriet looked behind her and Warren came running up. CJ always wondered how he just would appear out of nowhere when Harriet needed him. The Captain gave the crystals to him as he took a piece out and examined it. "If we had Cyn, she'd be able to tell if they were real or not." Warren said, missing his friend, before turning around and calling out for someone else who was familiar with jewels. "MAD!"

The two siblings remained in silence for a while until Harriet noticed how CJ was standing, and how her makeup was a little extra today. Harriet knew all too well that she was hiding something, like a swollen eye. It was Harriet that had helped Harry when they were younger, after he had been slugged by the daughter of Maleficent. And Harry's guy liner was born, simply to cover up his swollen eyes.

"Let me guess...." Harriet started, "You got on father's nerves a little too much last night?"

CJ gulped and nodded, not saying anything but simply nodding.

"And Harry and you, wonder why I left." Harriet muttered before changing the conversation back to her younger sister. "Did you put ice on your eye?"

"I'm fine, H." CJ responded, looking back up and stuffing her hands into her coats pockets.

Harriet looked back at Warren who gave the jewels to Mad. And as she examined them, Harriet called out to him. "Warren! Run to my ship and get some ice!" And the boy nodded, quickly taking off towards the coastline. CJ simply rolled her eyes.

Mad came walking over to the two girls and handed the bag back to her Captain. "They're real." She stated, before Harriet nodded and Mad left to go back to her work on the Tower.

Harriet put the brown sack into her black long coat, folding her arms across her chest. "What do you need?"


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