Lost Girl - ENDING

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It was late at night and CJ and Pey were watching a movie, Neverland 2 to be exact. Suddenly, a noise could be heard from outside. And this wasn't just any noise, it was like someone was trying to get their attention.

"Wait here, I'll go check it out." Peyton stated, getting up off the couch in a hurry.

"I'll go with you." CJ said, pausing the TV and standing up.

"No stay here please." Pey stated, and CJ noticed that a tiny drop of sweat fell from his face. He was, nervous. But why?

CJ raised an eyebrow before folding her arms across her chest. "Okay." She mumbled, sitting back down on the couch and pressing play again.

Peyton went out through the glass doors, going around towards the back of the house. CJ got up, leaving the TV on as she went to the nearby window. She saw Peyton, and she could see him talking to someone. He was smiling, and...holding someone's hands?

CJ watched with her eyes wide, wandering who the heck he was talking too. But soon, her answer was revealed when Melody appeared as she smacked her lips against Peyton's lips.

He kissed her, smiling as he whispered. Melody laughed and continued their conversation with giddy joy.

But CJ. Oh no. That was not about to happen. She grabbed her hook at her side, about to charge through the front doors.

She stopped however, thinking to herself.

What was she to do? Would she kill him or Melody? She had never killed anyone in her life, and if she ran out there in anger what lie would Peyton tell her?

CJ put her hook back at her side and crawled up the ladder to the loft room. She quickly changed into her regular outfit, pulling over her new red coat with anger. The pirate girl grabbed a bag and ran into the kitchen, grabbing and stuffing the bag with anything and everything she could.

Then the girl went to the back room, the one they had painted together. Her anger was boiling with such passion, it was easy for her to draw a huge x across the mural of her he had drawn. And she made sure that the rest of the room was destroyed as well.

Suddenly, Pey's shadow made its way into the room and watched her intently. "I need help with something." She stated, manipulating the situation.

The girl motioned for the shadow man to follow her, and it did carefully. But the shadow was freaking out because of what she was doing to the room. He didn't understand.

She went into the hidden laundry room, the one room with no windows. The shadow stopped, waiting for her to turn on the light. And she did, walking inside and waiting for the shadow to follow. CJ waited, and as soon as the shadow came in she shut off the light and closed the door.

The only way to trap a shadow was to put it in complete darkness. Everyone knows that.

CJ stomped her way into the living room, putting on her boots as she kicked the dog out of the way of the door. She didn't care. When CJ got mad, boy did she get mad.

The girl ran to the forests up the hills instead of going for the exit of the magic bay. She made her way to Never Neverland, and what did she imagine? Pixie dust.

She was plotting, and even though her plan was not complete yet. CJ would need Pixie dust, and whatever you took out of Never Neverland became real.

Jesly however had something else to say about that. The fairy pulled at CJ's hair as she scooped up bags and bags of dust from a tree. She tied each bag to the belt on her waist, ignoring the fairy.

The fairy got in CJ's face, kicking her nose with her feet. She reached up and grabbed the fairy, her anger took over as she purposely crushed the creatures wings from inside of her hands. CJ threw it on to the ground, not even looking as she did.

With five extra pounds of fairy dust, she left Never Neverland and exited the bay. And she would only return, when she could figure out how to get the Sea Lily out.

But the one thing that burned in her heart was him. How? He was talking to her about perspective, and how people aren't always as they seem it just depends on how you look at them. How CJ didn't have to be like her father, didn't have to be bad. That people aren't always as they seem.

And he was there, tricking her, messing with her, playing with her heart. How many other girls did he know? How many others did he tell about his secret Life and ya da ya da ya da. She wouldn't let him explain. She didn't care anymore.

Well, he was right about one thing.

People aren't always as they seem, and people aren't always like their parents. He proved his own point.

"Thanks Pet." CJ mumbled, walking through the magic bay door with her many a bags of Pixie Dust.

Her perspective, not everyone is who you think they are.

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