WAR - Part 1

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The sound of whispers could be heard as a group of young kids surrounded a table. A few others were scattered around the place, and on the below levels. It was early morning, very early, probably around 2 AM. But time was irrelevant when it was always dark outside. Inside this place however, it was very well lit with lanterns and flames.

Harriet Hook was surrounded by a few of her crew members as they discussed what they were going to do about the trolls that were coming a little too close to their territory. They had a 3D scale below on the circular table of their territory and the surrounding areas. Behind them was more forest and mountains, and in front of them was the ocean. To one side they had Nowhere, which wasn't a big deal because there was no opposing threat. And to the other side was The Lost Revenge territory, and Hooks territory. So the only threat was the giant trolls that grew four times in population the past twenty years.

"What if we move them to the East?" Madeline Medusa asked, or as everyone knew her to be, Mad.

The ones surrounding Harriet as they looked at the model below them were Mad, Damian Salt, Warren, Grant, and Eva.

"That would barely give them any room from the shore line, this is their home too." Grant, the logical one, of course chirped up in the conversation.

"Can't they just learn how to swim?" Warren joked, the thirteen year old Cabin boy who served like an apprentice and slave to Harriet.

"Into what? A magic barrier?" Eva slapped the back of Warren's head before receiving a nasty glare from Harriet.

"I say, we just get some guns and if they come over into our turf we'll blow their heads off, that should work." Damian stated, slamming his fist down on the table with a grin.

Harriet placed her hand on his and pushed it off the table, "They're dumb creatures, they'll just keep coming back."

The Captain looked over down off the ledge. Where they were was on the highest level, but only half the level was there. The edge had crumbled down and broken off, as did every level in their place. Which made the middle open, and had ropes hanging down from the wooden planks on the ceiling. This was Havoc Tower.

Harriet looked down one level, that's where Big Murph was sharpening and cleaning their weapons, without being told. She smiled, before an irritated noise kept banging into her mind. One she had heard, many times before.

Harriet looked down with annoyance, seeing Jakko throwing a ball against the wooden and cement wall mutiple times.

The others at the table continued talking but Harriet made her way to the very end of the crumbling edge. Purposely, they had ropes and hammocks everywhere in their little (more like massive) club house.

"JAKKO!" Harriet shouted down, he quickly grabbed the ball and looked up to Harriet with an idiotic smile.

"Ye?" He questioned, knowing he was in trouble.

"Outside!" She shouted, and he furrowed his eyebrows together.

"But- it's dark and the trolls-" Jakko stopped talking, knowing nothing he could say would change his Captains mind.

Harriet raised her hand, pointing to the large wooden doors to the side. "Yes, Captain." The boy lowered his head and talked to himself as he walked out, he was a little crazy it seemed. "Go outside Jakko, it's fine Jakko. If the troll gets you it'll just eat you slowly, Jakko, but no big deal, Jakko, you'll still have your ball!"

The Captain walked back to the table, shaking her head. "I swear, I work with Children."

Warren shot her a glare, and she simply patted his face back to the table. Putting his attention make to the matter at hand.

"Well, we can't just kill them all." Grant talked over the others as they argued back and forth.

"What if we-" Eva had started speaking, but Harriet cut her off.

"I have an idea." She started, "What if we have Ash and Cyn build something with those old canons? Just to scare them off. I mean, I love a good killing as much as the next man, but it's not a good use of our resources."

Damian made a frown across his face, "Well that's no fun." The rest ignored him as Harriet leaned down on the table, Warren copying her body language.

"What did you have in mind?" Mad asked, standing there straight with her arms folded across her chest and her red curly hair rolling down her back. Her head held high.

"Nothing right now." Harriet responded, "Let's see if Cyn has any ideas."

The Captain nodded for her slave boy to get the younger girl, he ran off. Warren jumped off the ledge, grabbing onto a dangling rope and sliding down ten stories of rope it with style.

Just the every day life of a pirate.

Alrighty so for this section I'm going to do gifs, cause gifs are awesome and yes ;) Here's the first chapter, there's going to be a little more of an introduction to Harriet's crew before the real action begins, but trust me, you don't want it to begin 🤧

Also, a little shout out to Princesaxxx21 and her story Hooked!

What do you guys think of the Havoc Gang so far?

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