My Love - Part 3

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Sammy smiled as CJ pulled her lips away from him, "I missed you too." She had muttered, before the corners of her mouth spread into a smile. The blond girl giggled softly, and there was a new light in her eyes.

Sammy felt like he was about to pass out. His heart jumped, skipping multiple beats. Like it stopped. How was this possible? It wasn't. And why had she just kissed him? Why was she here at all?

"CJ?" He questioned backing up, looking completely dumbfounded. "You can't be here! It's not possible!"

The younger girl laughed, "Anything is possible if you believe!" She mumbled, holding out her arms as if she was flying like Peter Pan. The pirate was sitting on the counter, just a little ways away from Sammy.

He laughed, this was definitely CJ's sense of humor.

"But how?" He asked, running up to her again. Sammy grabbed her long braided hair and pulled at it, moving her face back and forth. "You're not a ghost are you? Oh my- I'm not seeing things am I?"

CJ laughed and grabbed his hands, pulling them down to his sides. "Yeah, you said my name three times in front of a mirror and bomb I'm here." She said sarcastically, rolling her eyes with a laugh.

Yep, this was definitely CJ.

Sammy laughed along with her, his smile never fading. He wrapped his arms around her and picked her up in the air. He spun her around happily, and a few happy tears came to his eyes. "HOW!?" He shouted, setting her down on to the brown wooden planks of the house.

"Pixie Dust, of course!" CJ winked, "I brought some home from my last adventure, and it works on the Island! And I had just enough to make me go up up and away!"

Sammy smile faded a bit, sure he was happy but also made. Why did she fake her own death? Why had he kept her in the dark all this time?

"What the hell did you do that for?"

CJ smirked, "Because silly, my dad was on my tail twenty four seven and I couldn't do anything, ever! And Harriet and Harry were fighting, and the only way I could get them to stop was to get them to realize how petty they're stupid little war was by killing myself!"

"BUT WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?! YOU'VE BEEN GONE FOR LIKE THREE MONTHS!" Sammy shouted, throwing his hands in the air in confusion.

"I did tell you!" CJ scoffed and rolled her eyes. She grabbed his hand and pulled him around, he spun on his feet being pulled by her. CJ pulled him around the corner and down the hall, into the room where they kept wardrobe.

She let go of his hand and pointed to the little C hook and the J that was the intertwined carving on the brown board closet. Sammy's eyes widened, "I didn't see that."

CJ grinned, "Well obviously." She stated, "Who do you think stole that gold captains suit, huh?"

Sammy's smile reappeared, and again, he ran up and hugged CJ. Lifting her up off her feet, and spinning her around happily. "Put me down!" She slapped his back with her one free hand, and he simply laughed.

"Okay okay!" He set her down, grabbed her hand and pulled her back into the kitchen.

Sammy pushed her into a seat at the table, running to the refrigerator and pulling out some food and setting it in front of her. "No thanks, I brought home some Auradon food, it's wayyyyyyy better."

He laughed and sat down across from her, "Tell me everything." Sammy demanded with a smile, starring at her with his grey silver eyes of excitement.

"Well..." CJ started, "After I faked my own death, I stuck around a little while to make sure Harriet and Harry made up. And my dad's men were off me so I could go around and do anything pretty much. I stayed with Lucy Mandea down the street, ya know? Lady in her thirties or something? Runs 'Steal and Deal!'?"

Sammy nodded, watching the beautiful girl in front of him intently. Being captivated and mesmerized as if he had been placed in a trance.

"Yeah anyways...I went off the Island with this sword I had Mal magic for me. It breaks through the barrier and does something other really cool stuff! I went to this magic bay and got my ship- yeah that's right I have a ship, deal with it. It's called the Sea Lily and it's just as awesome as my dad's ship, maybe even more! Anyways, I went to Auradon and other places, got my dad's cool compass back AND I STOLE PETER PANS TREASURE!"

At this, Sammy's mouth gaped open. "NO WAY! HOW!?"

CJ suddenly jumped up on the table with flare, standing upright and acting as if she was folding out a sword. "You dad used brons instead of brains. It turns out it's easy to trick young boys, especially if you're a sexy woman like me!"

Sammy laughed as he watched CJ dance along the table. She went back and forth, telling every detail of her adventure. How she went and stole the treasure from the Museum in Auradon. Had a little run in with the VK's who turned supposedly good. And had brought home, her father's Golden Compass that was worth more than any ship. The treasure of Peter Pan, itself. And her very own ship, which she somehow, managed to steer herself! And, she did it all on her own.

"But wait-" Sammy interrupted, "Why did you kiss me?"


Last night, I had a dream that i was CJ Hook and i was fighting alongside Harry and he got hurt and I ran to his side and helped him walk and it hurt my heart so much 😭😭😭😭

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