Anchored - Part 4

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As much as she would love to tell her father about her adventures in Never Neverland and the boy whose blood had Pan coursing through it. She also knew that telling that story, would lead to telling her story. And she wasn't much for storytelling anyways.

CJ got another blow across her face, and her father grabbed her arms as he pulled her towards the door. His hook instead of a hand pulled deep into her skin. "Father! No! Please!" The girl shouted out, pulling away from her father as she tried to get out of his hold on her. With one of his boots he kicked her chair back into it's upright position.

He threw CJ down onto it, she stopped and held her head down to the side. She was waiting to be hit again, but it didn't come. The captain stood there, panting large breaths as he grabbed the bird from her dresser top.

"You will tell me where you have been, this is your last chance!" The man shouted, CJ was silent as she watched him with the crystal bird.

"This! Is a rare Neverland bird that has been carved out of crystal! The type of crystals that are only found in the caves of Neverland!" He started, before pointing his hand up to the new drawling on her wall. "That is you! And what do you have? Rare feathers from Neverland birds!"

He slammed his fist down on the table near her, she jumped up slightly. Truly, she was afraid of what was going to happen next.


CJ gulped, but still, she remained silent. The man watched her with blood stricken eyes, and he began to laugh.

"I admire your bravery darling." He said sweetly, before leaning down into CJ's face. "Sadly, that won't do you any good with the crocodiles."

Suddenly, he swung his body back as his arm flung across her dresser. Everything flew off of it, the crystal bird fell and shattered on the ground. His hook reached up, and tore the picture of her in half. And her new treasures, were now ruined.

CJ knew very well not to move, she wouldn't make it far. She held onto the chair tightly, splinters going into her fingers as a way of distracting her from the emotional pain. The pirate girl was doing everything she could to not cry, weakness would not be tolerated.

"Father...please..." She pleaded, and he turned around with a snarl.

"No! You listen to me, dearest. From here on out, you will wake up and practice. Then you will go to school, when you are done you have five minutes to run back home. Where then, you'll be working in my shop until the sun sets behind the water. Every single day, until I say otherwise!"

"But father!" Boom. Another smack into her soft face.

Then the man reached down to underneath her dresser, pulling out her new sword. She gulped, her eyes wide as she waited in anxiety as to what he was going to do. "And this, is now mine." He spat.

"BOYS!" He shouted throughout the house, his voice vibrating as he dragged CJ out of her room and into the dark hallway.

Two men of his, pirates, came quickly up the stairs to where he was. "Yes, Captain?" They both asked at the same time. Their eyes were wide as they saw CJ, shocked that she was even alive.

"Take this little one down to the dock, you know what to do." And with that he pushed his daughter forwards. She stumbled backwards, but he grabbed a fist full of her blond hair and pulled her into their arms.

They grabbed her tightly, pulling her back towards the stairs as she kicked at them. She would get away a few times, but never be able to get too far. But this wasn't the first time she had been thrown in with the crocs, but that didn't mean she hated it any less. Fear and death, were right on the other side of those dark waters.

"OH AND DARLING," She heard her father say from the other side of the hall. "BARRIER OR NO BARRIER, YOU WILL NEVER LEAVE THIS ISLAND AGAIN!"

That was only presuming, she would make it out of the water in time. Either she would die by water, or by the hungry jaws of crocodiles...

Well that went dark real fast, poor CJ. Honestly, she's literally the runt of the family and every time she tries to do something she gets shut down.

My poor little baby :(

also guys I have a whole bunch more stuff happening and you're gonna be like OMG OMG OMG WHAT OMG OH NO NO HE DIDN'T WHAT I CANT BELIEVE AGHA

Honestly, guys, be excited because it is going to be crazy Wicked.

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