Sunsets - Part 14

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four hours earlier

The deed had been done. They had successful completed the prank, and everything was in motion. Sammy and CJ were sitting down on a swing like contraption that bent over on the side of the boat. It was dark and late at night, and her father was finally headed back to his Study on his ship.

They watched intently through the window, hiding on the side of the ship. CJ was full of excitement, her heart pounding as she waited to see what was about to happen. However, Sammy was trembling, making the rope shake.

"Would you stop it?" CJ whispered, glaring at Sammy.

"I'm sorry! I just know we're gonna die now cause ya know we pranked the king of the sea, the man with the mustache, killer of men, mon-"

"Sammy!" CJ slapped him lightly, "Man up."

He shook his head up and down and hushed up, grabbing ahold of the rope next to him. They both watched as Captain Hook walked into the room, coming into sight.

As soon as the man opened the door, a bucket of pink hair dye fell down on to his hat. The tips of his hair became drenched with the hot pink liquid. His hat, his hair, ruined. The Captain shouted, no screamed. Punching into the door with his hook for a hand. Sammy clinged to the rope so much, his hands were white as white as can be and he closed his eyes.

James Hook looked up, taking off his hat and throwing it on the ground. He growled, mumbling words that they couldn't hear, but CJ knew they weren't good. She tried her best not to laugh, staying incredibly still on the swing. The Captain looked around his cabin, noticing that the big chest in the corner was open, the lock had been broken.

But he was smart, before he took another step to look inside. The man found that some fishing line was set up a few feet from the door. He chuckled, stepping over it. Classic. And perfect. CJ pulled some string that was wrapped around her hand, and suddenly a large pair of scissors that Sammy had got from Dizzy, swung down from the ceiling. To be honest, CJ was planning on it going into the man's face. Sweet Revenge. But what happened, was even better.

The man turned just in time, and instead of the scissors going into his face. It cut off a side of his mustache. He grabbed the scissors and jabbed them into the table upright. That's when he looked at the broken mirror in his ship, and his eyes widened. CJ couldn't hear him, but she guessed that he was whimpering and whining while cursing. Just like CJ hated her hair being touched, nobody but himself would touch his mustache. CJ began to laugh at her father's reaction, but Sammy's hands quicky covered her mouth.

The Captain moved over to the chest, everything seemed to still be inside. But that's when his head turned to behind his large desk, and that's where there was a Crocodile bigger than he was. CJ had to keep in her laughter as he grabbed his sword, trying to kill the beast. But the crocodile snapped forwards, he stumbled backwards. Over the years, her father had overcome most of his fears of Crocodiles. Keyword being, most.

When he stumbled backwards, he tripped the fishing line. And suddenly, water balloons type contractions filled with paint splattered down on to the floor. They covered the entire floor, and hit her father multiple times. He shouted in irritation as he ran from his study. Soon, his cabin turned into a colorful work of art. Almost everything, was covered like a rainbow. Even the crocodile, that made it's way out and on to the deck of the Jolly Roger.

CJ raised her hand with a smile, and Sammy lightly hit it, not wanting to cause much noise.

"SMEE!" They could hear the Captain shout, as he exited the Jolly Roger.

CJ hugged onto Sammy tightly with a smile, and he sighed deeply, grateful they hadn't been caught. Yet. The young girl and boy lowered themselves down to a rowboat near the side, getting into it and rowing to the docks.

They crept through the shadows, running inside the house and up the stairs into CJ's room. She jumped on to the bed and laughed with glee, but still she didn't speak about what they had just done. These walls were thin, people would hear.

Sammy sat down on the chair that CJ had near her broken mirror and desk. He laughed with her, watching her in silence for a few moments. "Hey CJ?" He questioned, trying to get her attention from laughing. The pirate girl sat up on her bed and looked at him, happiness still upon her face.

"Would you want to go on a picnic with me tomorrow night?" Sammy asked, his heart racing as he felt as if it was going to burst from his chest.

CJ smiled, "Do I look like the kind of girl that goes on picnics?" She laughed, taking her hair out of the bun as her dirty golden locks of hair fell down her back.

"Well c'mon, you've been gone for a while. And I- well, the place I want to take you is supposed to be the only place on the entire island where you can see real stars!" Sammy said excitingly, hoping that she would say yes.

"Really!" CJ exclaimed excitedly, "Actual stars!? Here on the Isle?!"

Sammy nodded his head as he leaned against the chair, watching her intently.

"Well then of course!" CJ shouted, and Sammy's eyes glistened with absolute joy. Because tomorrow night, he'd be taking the girl of his dreams to the highest point on the island. And maybe, just maybe, they'd see a shooting star. And his wish would come true...

But first, CJ would have to find some way to get out of a whole world of trouble.

Wowza Wowza Wowza oh dang oh dang oh dang oh dang

Okay, who ships Sammy and CJ?

Answer this for a shout out guys, whose/what's your favorite ship?

#cil (CJ and Gil)
#calton (CJ and Peyton)
#cammy (CJ and Sammy)


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