Sunsets - ENDING

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"What?!" She shouted, getting Harry's attention as he frowned towards Sammy. But still he kept talking on to the crew members below on the docks.

"I thought I was being totally obvious!" Sammy shouted back, "And I thought, I don't know, I thought that maybe you liked me too. But then you left, and I tried to forget about you. BUT I COULDN'T! CJ there wasn't a day that went by that I wasn't thinking about you, and so when you came back. I just thought that, I should ask you out before you ran off again."

CJ held her mouth opened wide, her hands started shaking. She didn't understand why he liked her, why did he, out of all people, like her. "Sammy..." She started, "You don't want to date me."

He took a few steps forwards towards her, and she took more steps backwards. "Yes! I do, CJ, I have- I just, I really am sure about this. Please, I promise if you give me a chance I'll-"

"No." CJ gulped, stopping his words.

Sammy's heart dropped through his chest, she wasn't even going to give him chance, a chance to prove himself. He had vowed that he would treat her like she should be treated, like a pirate princess, that he would be good for her, that he would love her.

But CJ, throughout life she realized it wasn't good to have a partner. She should just do things on her own, sidekicks always got in the way. And right now, with everything happening in her life she didn't need to worry about Sammy more than she already did. Besides, she had been hurt too much already, she didn't want to be heart again. But who knew, she'd be her own worst enemy.

"Sammy, you aren't-" CJ stumbled on her words. "You aren't wicked, you know, you care about people. And I. I can't. I don't. We may live on the same island, but you and I are from completely different worlds."

Sammy stepped forwards, grabbing ahold of her hands again. "I can change! I promise! I'll be more bad, I'll punch people or something, we can go steal-"

"NO!" CJ shouted, pushing him away from her as she grabbed her hook at her side. She held it forwards, threatening to hurt him if he got closer to her.

This was all happening so fast, she didn't have time to think. She didn't have time to feel.

"You should not have to change for me, I may be bad but I do care about you Sammy. I care about you too much to let you make a terrible decision, like me."

"But I-"

Sammy went to take a step forwards, but CJ swung her hook and made a gash across his forearm. He yelled and winced in pain, holding his arm in one hand. Sammy looked at her with shock, he didn't actually think she was capable of hurting him like this. And what would she do next? But, the truth was, she was as shocked as he was. Did she seriously hurt the very person she just claimed to care about?

"NO SAMMY!" CJ stated, "I am bad news, you- you need to stay away from me. Okay? This, all of this, can't happen. I was stupid enough to even think we could be friends, I just end up hurting the ones I love most."

Did she? CJ Hook, just use the word love in this type of situation. Sammy looked at her, and his expression changed from sad to angry.

He didn't understand, and she didn't understand either.

"You know what?" He started, "FINE! Good luck finding another Smee to do all your dirty work!"

Which was true, their whole lives together she just used him. Like that's all he was meant for. Something that she was truly, regretting now. And with that, he grabbed the basket and threw the basket against the wall as everything in it fell out. CJ gulped, keeping her plain expression and holding her hook out until he marched away out of her sight.

She put her hook back to her buckle, and covered her mouth with her hands. CJ wasn't sure what had just happened, and she didn't know quite how to process it either. Like the rest of her family, she wasn't good with emotions. But one thing was for certain, she had them.

Her eyes trailed down to the basket that had thrown all of it's goodies out to the wet floor. She saw something shinning through the foods, and she reached down to find a golden beautiful necklace. Sammy had obviously made it, just like he made her Captains hat. But just like the hat, he had made it just for her. And at the bottom of the golden chained necklace was a small little bird on it. She had always liked birds, but never even spoke of it.

He knew her too well.

"CJ?" She heard Harry comment behind her, the pirate girl jumped up and turned around to face her brother.

Harry showed a face of concern, she was very pale and something was the matter. "What's wrong?" He questioned her, taking a few steps forwards. Ready to pounce on anyone that had hurt his little sister, his hand already on the end of his sword.

"Nothing." CJ stuttered, turning away from her brother and going back inside the shop. "I'm sorry, but you're not seeing any stars tonight, Harry."

As she opened the door, Harry chased after her in disbelief. Something was wrong, and he could tell. "CJ, whats-"

"NOTHING, BLOODY HELL! I'M FINE, HARRY!" She spat loudly, slamming the door and disappearing.

The sun was completely down behind the dark waters, and from what they could see on the shores was a beautiful sky. But here on the Isle of the Lost, the skies above them were dark and grey. And like the sun, their friendship and love set behind the dark waters. But that sun would not rise again, it was too dark on the island.

Harry stood outside, wondering what to do. But he knew he should probably let CJ cool down from what ever it was she had been so heated from. Besides, he had work to do...



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What do you guys think? Does she have feelings for Sammy or what?

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