The End - Part 1

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Today was the day, the day CJ Hook would return....again. She was known for flashy entrances, and this time around, was going to be the best flashy entrance she ever was going to have. Especially since she was wearing a long golden Captain's coat, that glistened in the morning light that reflected off the waters from Auradon.

The sky was dark, but everything seemed brighter as CJ sailed her ship. She had her classic Neverland map leggings, with her crocodile skinned boots. Two things she'd never get rid of. And a light blue blouse, that clashed perfectly with her golden large belt that hung off her waist. And the large coat that went down to her feet.

Her hair was tied in the back in braids, while some of it hung off her shoulders and down her back. But some of the other most important features of her outfit, was her black and gold Captains hat and a golden necklace with a little golden bird on the bottom. Both, made by Sammy Smee.

CJ smiled as she steered the boat around the edges, close to the rocks but not too close. She headed her brothers warnings about getting too close to the shore line, and this and that. He was very skilled in the art of, boating?

Meanwhile back in Hooks Inlet, Sammy Smee was gathering everyone on the docks. It was ten o'clock, and CJ was running late.

"Sammy, we don't have time for this we need to get back to our crews!" Harry shouted, his arms folded across his chest. Sammy just had a smile as wide as the ocean, waiting in anticipation.

"Just a few more minutes!" Sammy called out, grabbing a literal old damaged telescope and looking through it across the gloomy Isle Waters. Looking for her.

"What are we even looking for anyways?" Harriet mumbled, her hand on her hip as she leaned sideways in her normal sassy manor.

"You'll see!" Sammy called back, before turning around and looking back over to the shop.

The Smee boy had asked the Captain if he'd be willing to step outside for a few moments. But, he was met by a bullet that shot through the door and almost through him. So Sammy was guessing that was a no.

"Hey H, can you run up there and get your dad please?" Sammy questioned, turning around to face her with a smile.

"Why so he can stare at nothing?" She questioned back, and Harry laughed.

"This better be important, Smee." Harry stated, turning around and headed to the shop to fetch his father.

"Hurry!" Sammy shouted, "You won't want to miss it!"

The boy practically danced on his tip toes, as he waited. And waited and waited. But CJ, still wasn't coming. It was now ten past ten, and just like a Smee would do, he began to worry.

"Okay, I'm out of here." Harriet stated, turning on her feet as she began to walk but up the docks.

"THERE!" Sammy shouted out, seeing something move in to view around the island. He threw the scope to Harriet, and she looked across the waters.

"What's that?" She questioned, "I've never seen a ship like that in these waters before."

Sammy jumped up and down, running over to Harriet. He placed his hands on her shoulders and jumped up and down, she shot him a glance. And immediately stopped with a laugh, "That's cause it's from Auradon!"

Harriet looked at him, "But Auradon ships don't come to these ports, and they definitely don't look like...a pirate ship."

The older girl took the scope away from her eyes. She squinted them together, as she saw somebody waving on the deck while steering the ship.

"Everyone! Come look!" Sammy shouted to the nearby pirates and people walking the streets. The new incoming ship came into distance, and it sparked the attention of everyone in the Inlet. Pirates quickly came running down the docks, waving and shouting excitedly.

"It's CJ..." Harriet mumbled, finally being able to see the person steering in gold.

"IT'S CALISTA JANE!" Harriet shouted into the air. Throwing her firsts up in to the air as her heart began to beat out of her chest.

It was CJ. She was live.

Questions instantly pounded her way into her head as the ship came to the docks, people cheered and cried. CJ jumped up on the mast as the boat came to the dock, she threw a few ropes down over the sides. And a few pirates came and tied her ship down to the docks. And she parked it right across from the Jolly Roger, and written across her ship were the words Sea Lily.

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