It's Going Down - Part 2

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"I need you and your crew to break into father's cabin and get my sword and hook, I need them by ten o'clock today. He's got them locked up somewhere in there." CJ stated, her mood wasn't all too joyful. And like CJ knew something was wrong with Harry. Harriet knew something was wrong with CJ.

"And why can't you do this yourself?" Harriet questioned.

It was then that CJ found the eyes of someone starring at her. Her own eyes looked up to see Sammy Smee in the background, in his usual stripped shirt with his black Havoc jacket and some cargo pants. CJ's heart sank, and she felt like an anchor had been dropped on to her head. Like she hit rock bottom. But as soon as his grey eyes met her blue ones, he looked away and went back inside the crumbling Havoc Tower. Gone.

"CJ!" Harriet shouted, snapping CJ out of her gaze. CJ looked back to her older sister, shaking her head.

"I can't!" She shouted, and it was like her feelings were being brought out in more ways than one. "I mean- Father has his men watching me day and night. The only time I get alone is when I come here, and I only get two hours here before I have to be back home."

"So why don't you go and do it now?  You still have an hour, right?"

"I could, but since he was pranked, he's got locks all over everything. And with time, I would be able to get in, but I don't have time. Father's men have been informed to tell him if they see me anywhere other than where I'm supposed to be."

Harriet nodded her head, "I'll take some of my men down there and we'll get your stuff back."

CJ's all too famous grin appeared on her face, perfect, things were going according to plan. Oh how she had a way with getting people to do what she wanted when she wanted, manipulation ran strong through Hooks blood.

Warren came up and handed a bag of ice to Harriet and she nodded him away. He went over to Sammy, who looked at CJ again before turning back inside the burnt building. Going in and out with burnt pieces of broken wood. Warren followed in after him.

Harriet handed CJ the ice pack, but she simply just held it.

"It only helps if you put it on your eye, you know?" Harriet stated, placing her hand on her hip and leaning to the side sassily. Sassy was all a very strong trait in the Hook family, very very strong.

"Yeah but-" CJ looked around at Harriet's crew members who walked about. She didn't finish what she was going so say. But the truth was, she didn't want to appear weak.

"You are my sister, Calista Jane, they won't laugh at you. Besides, you shouldn't care what they think of you anyways." Harriet stated, placing a friendly hand on CJ's head as she rubbed her thumb across her cut forehead delicately.

CJ sighed and pulled herself away from her sister, placing the ice on her eye and walking back to the trail. "I need my things by ten this morning, H. Oh! And don't touch the pointy end of the sword, just don't."

And with that she was gone.

so yes the past two chapters have been kind of short, but only because "It's Going Down" is a very sort section, so I am normally going to be posting 500 words and maybe just a little bit more

also I'm going to be editing my stories a little bit, so it's gonna say updated a bunch the next few days, SORRY GUYS!

And I've come up with the titles and what's going to happen, and this book HA HA! is almost over completely!!!

Upcoming Sections:

It's Going Down
My Love
The End

And let me just tell you, the ending to all of these will either make you feel so warm and gushy inside, or want to go cry in a corner for a little bit. Or like I usually say, OH DANGGGGGGGGGG!

But yes, The End, will be the end of the HA HA! series. BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE!!!

I'm mostlikely going to do a spin off with all your favorite characters, including the Hook family, called Wild Things!!! If you guys have any plots or ideas for the next book, let me know I'd love the help!

There's a lot in the works ;)

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