Home - Part 6

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| Young |

"If you only knew how much
those little moments with you
mattered to me"


CJ leaped up from her seat and ran behind her onto a nearby table. She laughed as Harry chased her, trying to grab at her legs. "GET BACK HERE YOU LITTLE SCALAWAG!" Harry shouted, and suddenly CJ jumped forwards and swung across one of the chandeliers, flipping into the other side of the restaurant.

"HA HA!" CJ shouted, "Too slow brother!"

Harry jumped up onto one of the tables that was in front of CJ. He ran to the other end, blocking her way out. She could go around or underneath, but either way he would be able to grab her.

"Now don't make me hook ya, AGAIN!" He shouted, running to each side of the table as CJ tried to get out.

"Oh please!" CJ teased, she backed up for a second and watched Harry as he smiled wide and raised his eye brows. He knew CJ was trapped, it was just a matter of time before she tried to escape.

And soon enough, CJ ran forwards and slid underneath the table, army crawling out to the other side as fast as she could. But Harry was already on the other side, and grabbed ahold of her legs, pulling her out.

"HA HA!" He laughed as he used his knees to keep her on the ground, placing one on her chest near her head and the other near her lower back. He tickled her sides and she laughed with joy, trying to find her way out. But Harry was restless.

"Please!" CJ cried out in laughter, trying to reach for the legs of the table and pull away. But they were too far away.

"SAY IT!" Harry shouted, a smile along his somewhat crazy face as he chuckled.

"NEVER!" CJ shouted, and Harry continued to tickle her until her sides began to hurt.

What he wanted her to say was another family tradition type thing, but really it was just between Harry and CJ. Because when Harry would catch her, and practically tickle her to death, the younger girl would have to say some certain words to get him to stop.

"Well then I guess your new home is this floor." Harry stated, taking one of his hands and pressing her face against the cold hard floor. With his other hand he continued to tickle CJ.

"DISGUSTING! It smells like dead fish down here!" CJ murmured with her cheek being smashed against the floor.

"SAY IT!" Harry repeated again, this time he moved his other hand to the back of CJ's leg, squeezing the backside of her knee. This was a special spot that would always make her surrender.


But still Harry did not move, because he didn't hear everything he wanted to hear. "Hmm, I think you're forgetting the most important thing of all, fish bait."

CJ hated when he called her that, and she rolled her eyes. "You win... Captain." Calling him a Captain was the last thing that he wanted to hear, and it wasn't until then that he let CJ go. "Look whose childish now."

She laughed slightly, rolling over onto her back. Her eyes met her brothers as he looked down at her, extending his hand to help her up. CJ took it, and he lifted her up quickly. But instead of simply pulling her up, he leaned down and threw her over his shoulder. The older boy walked up and over the table, "Hey!" CJ squirmed around, a little too much.

As Harry's legs hit the ground on the other side, she slipped and almost fell off of him. But he grabbed ahold on her legs, letting her fall but just a lot less painfully.

He went and sat like a pirate down at a nearby table, CJ stayed where she was on the ground, laughing momentarily. She sat up, leaning against the nearby chair but staying on the gross smelling floor. CJ took off her red coat, and usually a sword would be hidden inside. But there wasn't one, and Harry noticed.

"Where's your sword?" Harry asked, tilting his head to the side.

CJ paused for a moment, trying to think of something witty to say. "I uh, lost it fighting of a crock." She winked, clicking her tongue multiple times and raising her eyebrows every time she did. Resembling tick tock crock, the reptile who they all feared because of the stories told by their father.

Harry laughed at her comment, and CJ laughed back. They both starred at each other for a moment before looking away as if something was wrong. Harry wanted to talk about her absence, where she went and why. But the craziness within him mainly just wanted shout at her for leaving. He was crazy, but he also had feelings.

After a few seconds of silence, Harry finally spoke up. His questions were already burning within his mind, he had to know why she left. Why she left him.

"Why did you leave?" He questioned, and it seemed that even the screams outside had simmered down. All they heard was silence...

hey again peeps, I have a question for you guys again...

why do you think CJ left?

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