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Hey everyone,

I thought that now would be as good as time as ever to invite you guys to read my other featured story, E X O D U S!!!!! It's honestly some of my best work I've ever written, and I know if you guys would take the time out of your day and simply read the first chapter, you'll love it!!! It's got a lot of mystery and adventure, and plot twists that you will never see coming! Two words guys, super powers.

Also, soon I'm going to post the cast of the next story titled Anchored. I also decided that every time I start a new section, I'm going to update the book cover into a new cover.


I'm also going to start doing little shout out at the end of chapters. Keep an eye out for something at the end of each chapter that will look like this:

"Vote on this story and you might get a shout out" or, "Tell me whose your favorite Descendants character in the comments and you might get a shout out"

And by might get a shout out, I mean that I will close my eyes and randomly select someone to be featured in the next chapter. So if you comment or vote, you might get a free shout out ;)


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