Sunsets - Part 3

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"What did you do then, huh?" Sammy asked while re-stalking. CJ looked at him with a grin as she jumped up on the counter, leaning her back against the wall as she watched him. But she didn't say anything, she just shook her head. "C'mon girl, you know you can have always talk to me. We've been together before you were even born!"

CJ laughed, the weight of the world slowly drifted away as he smiled at her. He was good for her, giving her some fresh air to breath in a city where everyone was trying to stab her in the back.

"Sammy, I'm not talking about it. It's just a bunch of did this, didn't do that, ya da ya da ya da I'm in trouble. What's new?"

Sammy laughed, "It's good to see you haven't changed."

Sammy looked at her just about every time he re-stalked the shelf with another can of worms. Whatever was going on inside his head, it definitely was shown on his face. And it was all so oblivious to CJ, anyone and everyone knew that ever since they were little, Little Sammy Smee liked the little Hook runt with the blond hair. But she, never even knew.

CJ got distracted by the dirt still lingering underneath her finger nails. She began trying to clean them off the best she could, not paying attention to Sammy as he spoke. The pirate girl grabbed her hook, scratching the tips of her fingernails with the end.

"So is Auradon as bad as they make it seem? I mean is the food good? Or what about cars and stuff?" He questioned, before realizing that CJ wasn't paying attention to anything he was saying. "CJ?" Sammy questioned again, but still nothing. "Calista Jane?"

At this, CJ looked up with one eyebrow raised. She moved her hand with the hook on the end towards him. "Only my father can call me that, boyo."

He raised his hands in defense, a little nervously. Being raised with the Hook kids, he knew it was never a good thing to have them pointing on of their hooks towards any body. And if you were on the other end, better watch out. "Hey, I mean, technically that's a compliment!" Of course Sammy knew her real name, he was over quiet a lot and heard her father say that name on multiple occasions.

CJ looked at him in confusion. What did he mean by compliment?

"Come again?" She questioned, lowering her hook and placing it on the counter.

"Your name, your real name?" He questioned, finishing the box as he stepped on it, crushing the cardboard. Sammy went over to the trash, throwing it inside before walking over to CJ. She still held a confused look upon her face.

"You don't know what your name means? Do you?" He questioned, leaning against the counter as he looked up at her.

CJ shook her head no, being less talkative then normal. Sammy smiled, reaching up and grabbing one of CJ's wrist. She watched him as he held her hand and wrists delicately, he looked down on the golden button on the edge of the red coat. Sammy played with it slightly, his cheeks forever being a constant red as he looked up at CJ.

"Well, Calista means Most Beautiful. And Jane means Woman. Soooooooo, Calista Jane basically means, Most Beautiful Woman."

okay let's just be honest, Elizabeth Swan is an older version of CJ Hook! like this video, is her all in like 3 minutes, honestly guys

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