WAR - Part 7

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Cynthia pulled on the ropes that were wrapped around her wrists and ankles, which was a little excessive since she was already inside a small cell at the bottom of Uma's ship. Or was it Harry's ship now? It didn't matter, whoever's and where ever it was, she needed out.

The girl had a cloth that was wrapped around her mouth, only allowing her to mumbled. She had been screaming too much, so Harry commanded his men to silence the girl without tearing out her vocal cords.

Cyn had managed to wiggle her way over to the edge of the cell, and she rubbed the large rope against the metal bars. The cold wet ground had caused her nose to begin running, and her clothing was wet. She would mostlikely be sick at the end of this adventure.

The twelve year old girl worked quickly, breathing deeply. On this level of the ship, there was no one else besides the rats that carried many different diseases.

Cyn had almost gotten one of the ropes to break when the door that went down the stairs began to unlock. Somebody was coming.

The little girl moved away from the side of the cage, and moved her hands to her side to hide the ropes she had been tearing away at. She winced as somebody walked in with a lantern, her eyes adjusting to the bright light.

Harry Hook walked down the steps, he had no expression on his face. The Captain moved down the stairs slowly, a few rats scurrying away as he did. He flipped the keys around his fingers and his pirate coat was buttoned up across his crocodile skin shirt. Cyn watched as he came to her cage, and starred at her for minutes.

He was observing her, watching how she moved and how she looked at him. The young girl kept her cool, staring back at him with cold eyes. Finally, Harry put the lock inside the cell door and yanked it open. Cyn pulled her legs up to her chest, backing up against the side of the bars and the cold wall as she watched Harry intently.

The boy turned around, leaving her eyes. He grabbed a nearby barrel and put it inside the cell. Cyn would have tried to get out in that split second, but she was smarter than that. She wouldn't have made it three steps without falling in these ropes.

The boy came and sat on top of the barrel, closing the door inside as he sat in front of the unlocked cage. Cyn moved her hands towards the corner of the cage, and secretly continued moving the ropes slowly against the bars where Harry could not see. One rope snapped, only two more were on her wrists now.

"Hello, little girl." Harry started, leaning back on the bars behind him. His blue eyes looked at Cyns hazel ones, and a smile cracked upon his face. "I need some information, and ya are going to give it to me, alrighty?" His accent thick on his tongue.

Even though Cyn had a cloth across her face, her chuckling could be heard clearly. Harry scoffed at her boldness, and he swiftly moved his hook that he was already holding towards her neck, closer. "I could hurt you." He stated, and Cyn stayed completely still but her eyes narrowed. As if to say, try it I dare you. Harry ran his hook down along her nose, before hooking the cloth around her mouth and sliding it off.

Cyn remained quiet, her eyes flinching from Harry's hook to his eyes in a hurry. Which only made the new Captain laugh.

"Now, darling... Tell me where the Havocs keep their artillery base." Harry commanded, bringing his hook close to him as he ran his fingers long it's cold surface.

The girl was quiet, she didn't move. She wouldn't betray her gang, she wouldn't betray Harriet, she wouldn't betray Dick.

Harry chuckled softly, spitting down on the wet wooden ground. "I know you Havocs have more than just swords at your sides...and I know you, Powder Monkey, know where their explosives are."

Instead of laughing, Cyn spat down on to his newly cleaned boot. And looked at him with a nasty glare. She wasn't one to talk, but when she did, it usually wasn't the nicest words.

"Go to hell." Cyn stated.

Harry laughed, loudly. It shook the bars of the cell and echoed through the deck. He titled his head back wildly before his eyes moved back down to the little one.

"Don't you know?" Harry started, "We are already there."

So I'm about halfway through the 3rd Descendants book, and I don't know how I feel about it. I'm going to finish it and see if I like the books better or the movies better, but honestly, so far I like the movies better.

I do however, love Harry Hook in anything, comics, pictures, books, movies, you name it. And I'm pretty sure, everyone else agrees with me right? LOL

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