Anchored - Part 6

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The girl stopped moving, but she then heard a splash in the water. She was sure that tonight would be the night she would die, at the command of her father and in the jaws of a dreaded croc.

But suddenly she felt hands come and swim her up to the top, and somebody threw CJ over their back. The pirate girl coughed as the one carrying her up threw the girl on to the ships deck.

CJ felt the ropes around her loosen, being untied by someone. She began to cough more as water came out of her mouth.

"Really sister, ya've been gone for six months and have already forgotten how to get out of simple knots? Have ya lost your touch?"

CJ looked up from her place on the ground, seeing the one and only Harriet Hook.

"Not now, H." CJ coughed, sitting up from the place on the ground and leaning against the ships post.

"What? No thank you? You are lucky I was around to save your a-"

"Not now!" CJ raised her voice, shouting at her older sister. This was something she'd usually never do, for her sister was simply a younger female version of her father.

Harriet killed with no meaning, she would steal what she wanted when she wanted, and if you dared to step to her. You better think twice.

She had been underneath the deck, grabbing some things from her old room. Usually she wouldn't be in this area, unless told to be. Harriet ran her own ship, did her own deal.

The older girl, specifically five years older, titled her head to the side, something their father would do. Her dark, almost black hair, was wet as she ringed it out with her hands. Harriet had taken off her black coat that went down to her ankles, and her boots before diving in. Her red dress that she wore underneath was soaking wet, along with the tights. Now seeing Harriet's dress was a rarity, people on the Isle would call her the pirate queen. She was a type of girly warrior, she was unique. But usually her long black coat would cover her red dress.

Harriet had long black hair, and on the sides she would braid them back into the fishtail that traveled down her hair. Which was now wet, and she was irritated. But now her sister, having a tone, with her? No.

"I would ask what happened, but I don't care enough too." Harriet stated. Now one thing that also made Harriet very interesting was the sword that would hang on her back, and not at her side. With her jacket on, it would be hidden and in one swift pull of her arm she'd have it in her hands. And her hook, it was on her person but so we'll hidden from within her coat no one know where.

Harriet grabbed her things and walked over to CJ, pulling out her sword as she did. The older girl put the swords end underneath CJ's chin, raising her head to look at her. CJ was hesitant, but looked at her sister as she felt the tip of her sword underneath her chin and near her neck.

Her blueish eyes met her sisters as she chuckled slightly. "Let me guess, did father go on and on about how you are a disappointment? You are too easy, love." The twenty year old spoke like a serpent.

CJ gritted her teeth together, her sister only fueling her anger. The younger girl grabbed her sisters hook in her hand, causing her fingers to bleed as she pushed it away. She went down to grab her hook, but her sister was too fast.

In one swift motion, Harriet had stepped on CJ's hand and put her other booted foot against her neck. The blond girl was pushed back against the post, being choked by her sister...

shout out to Tails125 (super nice person tbh thank you for loving my story)

honestly, guys thank you for all the love, it encourages me to write more and yes yes yes thank you! This story really wouldn't be possible without you!

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