Sunsets - Part 13

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^ video above contains violence

The sounds of rummaging and scurrying through trash cans could be heard in the dark of night. CJ's window was open, so in her sleep she could smell the aroma of the ocean nearby. And in her dreams she would dream of the beach and sailing the seven seas.

CJ was sleeping comfortably in her not so comfortable bed, but she had gotten used to it. But the sound of a gun shot, woke her right up. Instantly, the girl sprang up in her bed. She saw one of her father's men, holding his pistol out as he had shot through CJ's open window to wake her up.

"Blimey!" CJ shouted, about to continue on with her words before the man spoke over her.

"Ya daddy wants ya in the hall room." He stated, moving out of the doorway and probably back to whatever shadow he crawled out of.

CJ gulped, getting up out of the bed. She simply wrapped her red coat over her night gown, not caring about shoes as she ran down the stairs. The pirate girl ran into the Hall Room, which was basically like a living room where the walls were dedicated to pictures of her father.

When she went down the stairs, she saw Harriet and Harry standing side by side. Her father was standing at the bottom of the stairs, and CJ had to keep herself from laughing when she saw him.

Captain Hooks hair was now hued a bright pink color, half his mustache was gone. And his outfit was multicolored with paint.

He waved his hand towards her siblings, motioning for CJ to get in line next to them. She quickly did so, standing next to Harry.

"What did you do?" Harry questioned her silently through gritted teeth.

"Nothing." She snapped back, giving him the death stare. Harry knew something was up earlier, and because of Sammy he knew CJ had or was going to do something. He just never thought she would have been stupid enough to prank their father.

"Children." Captain Hook got their attention, they all stood up straight.

"Father." They all said at the same time, looking him in the eyes.

"Does anyone have anything they would like to tell me?"

CJ gulped, looking at her father and never looking away. She was afraid that he would figure out it was her, but since all three of her siblings were here, she had a chance.

All the Hook children were silent, they didn't have anything to say. Harry struggled with giving up his sister, he didn't have time for this or for getting in trouble. But he knew that CJ would be hurt immensely if he gave her up. But, why was Harriet here?

"One of you..." Their father started, turning in circles while looking at the floor. "Thought that it would be a splendid idea, to prank me."

James went to roll his mustache with his hook, but it wasn't there. CJ heard Harry scoff, trying to keep his own laughter inside. The pirate girl bit her lips, trying to not laugh with her brother.

The Captain instantly turned his direction to his son, holding his hook for a hand towards his throat. "What is so funny, my boy?"

Harry instantly stopped laughing, looking at his father with his blue eyes. "Nothing, sir." He gulped.

The Captain laughed silently, looking at his son who was the same height as him. The man lifted his hook from Harry's neck to in front of his face and traveled the tip down Harry's jawline.

"My men were assigned to watch your sister, but they were led on a wild goose chase after you told them she had wandered off. So, either you lied to them? Why? Or, she was off somewhere else, Where?"

Harry's eyes moved down to his little sister, and she knew she'd pay for this later. Either at the hands of Harry or at the hands of Captain Hook. CJ was able to look at him for a moment, and a face of pleading was shown. Harriet stayed still where she was, but a smirk was spread wide across her face.

"She had wandered off." Harry started, and CJ knew she was toast.

"CJ went to go get more supplies for the shop." He finished, looking his father in the eyes and not stuttering. If they were very careful, they'd be able to lie their way out of this. "I just wanted to make sure she had men following her. Thats what you wanted, sir."

The Captain stayed in his son's face for a while, looking him up and down. He was determining if he was lying to him or not, but his mind was undecided.

He suddenly turned to Harriet, and her smirk faded. Sure she was twenty, but that didn't make her respect for her father dim. And he wouldn't be afraid to feed her to the crocodiles either. Captain or not, proud or not, whoever did this to him would pay.

"And what about you? Harriet? Your men were seen aboard my ship today. Why?"

The difference between Harriet and the rest of her siblings, her father held more respect for the eldest. He stood in front of her with his hand and hook behind his back, waiting for his response.

"I did not know my men were here, father. But I can assure you, they would not be so idiotic as to mess with the master of the sea." She said swiftly, and she wasn't lying. But when she said idiotic, she expressed the word. And even though Harriet didn't look CJ's way, the blond girl knew she was talking to her.

Harriet knew what to say to get her father to be pleased with her. And he moved away from her, headed down to CJ as sweat rolled down the side of her face.

"And where were you tonight, little Calista Jane?" He asked his daughter, leaning down to her level to look her in the eyes....

so I realized that I probably should put when a video is a little violent cause some scenes are pretty violent or say stuff, LOL

What do you guys think is gonna happen to CJ? DUN DUN DUN

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