My Love - Part 4

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CJ stopped prancing around like Bambi on the table. And she sat down in front of him, her cheeks were red like they were blushing. Sammy smiled as she came closer, he wanted to kiss her again right there, right now.

"Because." She started, "When I was tricking my siblings, some of the stuff I was saying actually effected me. And I, realized, that you make me feel like I'm loved. The longer I was away, the more I started missing you. I realized that, You make my heart happy, Sammy."

Sammy's eyes glistened, and now he noticed that still after all these months. She still had the golden bird necklace around her neck. "So, what are you saying?"

CJ moved her hands to his head and brushed her fingers against his face and hair softly, "I'm saying, that I'm sorry." She mumbled, "And now that I'm back, if you want too, I was wondering if you'd give us a chance?"

Sammy moved away from her, leaping up and out of his chair as he danced around the kitchen. "Yes!  Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! A thousand times, Yes!"

CJ laughed, as her heart pitter pattered, she felt happy. Actually happy, because he made her heart happy. Very happy.

She continued talking, up on the table and telling of her adventures.

"Father is going to be so proud of me!" CJ giggled with glee, jumping up and down on the table with excitement.

"Well come on we gotta tell your family the good news!" Sammy jumped up from the table, walking around the kitchen and bolting towards the door.

CJ quickly jumped from the table to the kitchen counter and leaping in front of the door. "No!" She shouted, as some of the things she had trampled on as she ran over fell to the floor.

"What?" Sammy laughed nervously, trying to move around CJ and open the door.

"Cause Sammy! I'm waiting until tomorrow morning, I'm going to sail my ship to Pirates Bay!  And I need your help!" She smiled, leaning forwards and placing a quick little peck kiss on his lips.

He leaned forwards in his trance again, "Anything for you."

CJ giggled softly, "I need you to make sure that my sister, brother, and father are all at Hooks Inlet tomorrow morning at ten o'clock."

Sammy saluted CJ, "Aye Aye, Captain!" And she laughed with joy.

"Careful Smee, if Harriet heard you say that to me, she'd make you walk the plank." She reminded him, raising her finger and winking at the boy before she turned around to leave.

"Where are you going?" Sammy questioned, pushing his hand above CJ and closing the door so she couldn't get out.

"I gotta get some things from Lucy's and then get my ship ready, plus the walk is a drag since my ship all the way out by the Forbidden Fortress. So I gotta get moving!" CJ pushed his hand away from the door, going to open it again. And again, he shut it.

"But you just got back!" Sammy whined, wanting to spend more time with his new... something.

"And there's stuff to do!" She stated, pushing his arm away again. And this time when she opened the door, Sammy went to follow her out, "I'll go with you then!"

CJ turned around and pushed him back inside the house. Which was somewhat difficult, but she could manage. "No, Smee, you need to stay here and do the things I asked you. And remember! Don't tell anyone I'm here!"

He frowned, folding his arms together across his chest. CJ laughed softly, stood up on her tippy toes and gave him another loving kiss. Which instantly brought a smile back to his face, "Oh alright." He mumbled.

And with that, CJ waved goodbye and snuck out the door. Making sure to hide in the shadows and walk like a thug as she made her way to Steal and Deal.

He would see her tomorrow, and tomorrow was going to be a big day. A day that would go down in history.

again, not edited, I'm at an amusement park and don't have time to edit but I'm still updating for you loves ;)

also I finished this book completely, now just to upload and post! And I've already started writing Wild Things!!!!!

Also, I'm tempted to write a DC and or Marvel alternative universe where someone gets elected as president of whatever and they send all the villains to an island with a barrier and yeah, same story plot but different characters kinda. Would anybody read that?

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