Lost Girl - Part 2

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audio (very encouraged for this chapter): https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7V5_H87HCDqOThDc1dUcGVfbms/view?usp=drivesdk


"Are you kidding me?" She looked down at the dog with such anger, "What? My life doesn't suck enough so you have to come and make it worse!?"

The dog just laid there watching her, CJ went to shout again but suddenly she became very dizzy and began coughing. But she continued to ignore the blood coming from her head.

"At least when my sister hurts me, she somewhat feels bad!" CJ stated, thinking to herself if Harriet actually did feel bad or not. She wasn't sure, she definitely knew her father did not feel bad. And Harry, well again, Harry was a different story.

"Well actually I'm not really sure.." CJ moved up against the rock, going into her own thoughts and ignoring the evil dog. And the wicked cut along the backside of her head. "You know one time she went to hit me, I moved out of the way and she punched a hole in the wall..." CJ talked quietly, laughing a bit. "She was in so much trouble, it was sick! And I think, Harry was proud of me after that, for getting Harriet in trouble. See when my brothers proud, he smiles but it's different. He just, looks different, like he's happy or something. Well, he's usually happy all the time, with that crazed smile of his but, when he's proud it's just... different."

CJ spoke as she looked out across the water, the moonlight reflecting on it's surface. The Isle, it was so close but yet so completely out of reach.

"And I know Harry loves me, maybe even Harriet too but our father...don't even get me started I have no idea what's going on in that man's head...but um, the Isle..." CJ was simply speaking her mind, letting for feelings out, which she wasnt even aware she was doing. "The isle is a terrible place, it's wicked, it's cool, definitely better than this place..." CJ stated, she looked around, grabbing sand in her hands and letting it fall through her fingers and back to the ground.

"It's definitely not a place a little kid should grow up in though, but, that's where I grew up...that's where my family is. And as sick and twisted as it may sound, I do love them, I love that island...and I want to go back home."

Suddenly, CJ began coughing again and she ran a hand through her hair. Yep, there was even more blood now, and it began to run down her neck and onto her tan shirt.

The dog barked at her, whining a tad bit. CJ looked down at him, and shrugged before reaching out carefully. Her frail hands scratched his head, and he didn't seem to mind.

"I guess you're not too bad." CJ stated, before realizing what she was doing. "I can't believe I'm talking to a dog." She coughed again.

Then the mutt stood up from his spot in the sand, shook off his fur, and headed back into the forest in a run. CJ gave a completely pissed off look, her eyes moving back to the Isle.

"And that's what happens when you talk about your feelings, CJ." She stuttered to herself, sighing.

Her blue eyes watered just a tad, but not too much. Crying was not something she was used it, she hardly ever did cry. And usually it would only happen when she was physically hurt, but being emotionally hurt was no excuse.

"Night..." She mumbled, "I miss you."

And with that her eyes began to close, drifting off to sleep in the cold of night. The moon reflecting on her soft skin as she hid behind the shadow of the rock...

hey guys, wow I am going to have over 500 reads by the end of this week! THAT'S INSANE!

anyways I've decided that I'm only going to do audios for songs and specific chapters where it's mainly just about CJ. cause let's be honest, I can sound like a young CJ Hook but I definitely cannot sound like Harry Hook sooooo 😂

unless you guys request for me to do it each chapter, which I will gladly, then I'm only going to do it on the chapters i see fit ;)


by the way, in the next chapter...you'll be meeting someone new, I think you all know whose gonna be showing up ;) I may be good at plot twists, but I can be predictable sometimes LOL

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