Home - Part 5

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| Bad Behavior |

"well behaved women,
rarely make history"


CJ held her neck with her hand and turned around to face her brother as they both stood on the tables still. She gulped as she watched him grab her hook, and take it as his own. If you lost a fight, and somebody took your hook it was theirs to do whatever with it.

Harry smiled, grabbing the hook that dangled from his own. He placed his hook down at his side and examined CJs, "You need to take better care of things that belong to you, your hook is rusting and hasn't been sharpened in ages!"

Harry mocked his younger sister as he smirked, feeling good about what bad he had done. So good to be bad. The older boy jumped off of the table and made his way to the end, quickly beginning to sharpen her hook.

"Why'd you have to hook me? Now I'm going to get blood all over my coat!" CJ whined, just like the child who would loose at a game of Rock Paper Scissors, and complain about it.

"Your coat is red, it's just a little blood CJ, besides it will make you look better." Harry explained, not paying attention to his sister as she sat near him on the edge of the table.

"What will? The blood on my coat or the scar on my neck?" She spat, kicking her feet underneath her as she didn't look at her brother, ashamed maybe? But she starred blankly at the ground beneath her.

"Both." Harry chuckled, "How many scars have I given you now?"

"I lost track after fourteen." CJ spat, feeling stripped from her power. The one thing that made her feel like something was that hook, a hook that symbolized their family, their power.

"Hey, you got me six times." Harry laughed, not really trying to make his little sister feel better but boosting his own self esteem.

"One was in your sleep and I'm pretty sure you let me win a multiple times." CJ stuttered, looking at her brother with a face of shame and disapproval shown in a smirk. Not towards him, but towards herself.

Harry looked at his sister, stopping his sharpening and sarcastically scoffed at her, "Now who ever put that idea into that little head of yours?" The boy stated with such sweet sarcasm that it made her giggle softly.

"Damn you." She sputtered out, lifting her knee up to her chest as she tied the laces on her boot.

Her brother turned from where he was sitting and pointed his sword towards CJ, "Watch your tongue, little one."

CJ rolled her eyes and jumped off the table, and Harry put his sword back next to him. The young girl came and sat in front of him, grabbing a chair and sitting on it the wrong way. She leaned against the back of it, watching Harry as he sharpened his hook. It reminded her of when they were little, CJ would always be watching what her older brother was doing.

"First of all, I'm only like two years younger than you, and I can say whatever I want to say, boy."

CJ rested her chin against the top of the chairs back, rolling her eyes at her brother as he shot her a glance. "Three and a half years, and I'll wash your mouth out with sea water Missy, so no you can't."

CJ scoffed and sat up on the chair a tad bit, getting ready to jump up at any moment. "Make me." She spat, wiggling her eyebrows as her brother laughed.

"We're not children anymore, CJ." Harry smiled, stopping for a second to think about chasing CJ around the room and tickling her until she cried like they did when they were younger.

"Damn, I leave for six months and now you're no fun!" CJ stated, hoping to get him to rise from the table. Maybe cursing would cause him to chase her like they'd do when they were kids. Her brother was always the closest person to her, and she was his, they'd hurt each other but they did love each other in some weird evil way.

"What did you just say?" Harry questioned with his accent very audible, pointing his finger at CJ as a smile cracked on his face.

"Oh you know what I said, mate." She mocked his accent and he clicked his tongue, suddenly jumping up from his place on the table...

so I tried to put there faces together to see how similar they look, besides the hair and Harry's jaw line they look pretty much like siblings, keep in mind that they are also half siblings ;)

what do you guys think?

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