Home - Part 9

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| Cry Baby |

"No one looks up anymore,
cause you might get
a raindrop in your eye and
heaven forbid they
see you cry"


CJ stood up from the table, grabbing her head as she began to beat herself up. Inside her mind she was going down into a dark place, about to spiral into a full blown panic attack.

"That's not true!" Harry shouted over his sisters yelling, still leaning across the table and watching his little sister. He wasn't one for feelings, but his sister had been gone for a long time and she was the one person he'd be real around.

"Yes Harry! Yes, it is! I'm a Hook, the youngest Hook! Nobody takes me seriously, and to be honest I can't even take myself seriously! Dammit I can't even keep my hook, THE FAMILY LEGACY, because I'm not strong enough to even fight properly!"

And there she was, spiralling down into a deep hole. Harry knew this, and he stood up before clapping once to get CJ's attention. She jumped slightly, looking at him in her whirlwind of regret. Even though he was a villain, he had a heart. Her eyes were glossy, glazed over by tears that had swelled but she wouldn't dare let them fall. On the Isle of the Lost, that was definitely a sign of weakness. Harry grabbed ahold of her shoulders, and she freezed thinking he was either going to yell or throw her down somewhere. The initial response for anyone on the Isle. But instead, he simply hugged her.

Harry wrapped his arms around his younger sister and held her head in his hand. There were very few times he had ever hugged anyone in his life, but CJ was definitely the one who received most of his hugs. But to be hugged by her brother again, to smell the way he smelt, to feel safe again even though they were in the worst place on Earth. But most importantly, she felt love.

"I don't care about any of that, CJ." Harry said softly, "I'm just glad you came home." And with that he kissed his sister's head gently.

Now her anxiety was gone, the thoughts still remained in her head. And they were true, but perhaps, it just wasn't her time to shine yet. But right now, within this moment she felt at home. And that's all she wanted to feel right now, at home.

Harry released his sister from his grasp and looked her in the eyes, a tear streamed down her face. He lifted his dirty hand and took it off her cheek, "We wouldn't want anyone seeing that now would we?" Harry joked, before looking at his sister again, sadness on his face. "I'm so sorry I wasn't there."

CJ smiled, and for within this scene. She actually didn't want to be completely evil, because within them both, these siblings. They had a soft spot in their heart, they had love for each other, they wanted to protect each other. And most would say that villains can't have love, it makes them weak. But others, a very few, would say that it's love that makes them strong.

wow, so grateful for all you incredible readers! the picture above is what they'd look like when they hug, tis very cute!

what do you guys think so far? is your heart hurting yet?

but wait there's still more...

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