WAR - Part 9

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CJ walked along the trail in front of her, well it was just the ground. But after the few days of walking back and forth through the long tall grass, she had made a small pathway to Havocs tower. But something was off, the regular fog was darkened. And instead of smelling the fresh ocean breeze, she smelt the smell of something burning. Where she walked wasn't only fog, but smoke.

CJ stopped for a moment, and grabbed the sword at her side. Something wasn't right, she felt like, she was being watched. The little girl heard a bird whistle through the trees, and she wondered if this was what Alice in Wonderland felt like. Well, besides being on the disgusting Isle of the Lost.

Suddenly, arms wrapped around her and a sword was put up to her neck. "LET GO OF ME YOU TROLL!" CJ shouted before realizing that whoever grabbed her, had a sword pressed against her soft skin.

CJ's sword was torn out of her hand before she could even get the chance to use it. She was lifted up off the ground, and kicked backwards at her attacker as the person walked her further towards Havoc Tower. The young girl could only see a few feet in front of her with the fog, but she knew who was carrying her.


But Big Murph only chuckled, and CJ stopped struggling. She knew she wouldn't be able to get out of his hold around her, he was very buff and tall. And CJ was somewhat strong, but super short. Her feet weren't even touching the ground. The girl watched as the Havoc Tower came into view through the fog, and the smell of smoke became unbearable.

CJ's eyes widened as she saw the Havoc gang trying to fix ashes of the building. The tower was burnt, and parts of it had collapsed inside the tower. Horses were running wild as Cass was hurdling them with Vitani. And the rest of the gang was trying to salvage what they could from the smoking building. At least the fire was out now, but sparks still flew through the fog and smoke.

"What happened?" CJ questioned silently, she knew how much that place meant to her sister.

"War." Big Murph stated, "War happened."

CJ scoffed, who would be as idiotic as to attach The Pirate Queen. Big Murph kept holding her against his chest with his large arms as he moved  towards the shoreline. He carefully made his way down the steps of stairs that went down the edge of a cliff side and to the beach. They left the trees and entered the sand.

"You best not drop me." CJ mumbled as her sisters ship came into view. Most people simply called it's Havocs Ship, but it's true name that Harriet had named it was Rancidity. Her sister had found that ship washed up on shore in this undiscovered little bay when she was thirteen. That was after she broke off from Mal's gang and began creating her own. She restored it to it's natural glory, and got rid of it's horrid rancid smell.

When they were younger, her sister would always talk about leaving this place. And by this place, she meant Hooks Inlet. Harriet hated it there, she was independent and needed her freedom. Which, was exactly what she had found.

Big Murph walked on to the ship and to Harriet's Captains Quarters. He knocked on the door, but Harriet didn't answer. "Captain, I've got your sister here."

Harriet didn't answer, but CJ sure did. "HARRIET HOOK! YOU BEST OPEN THIS DOOR AND TELL THIS BUFFOON TO PUT ME DOWN RIGHT NOW!" The youngest Hook screamed through the wooden door, which probably wasn't the smartest thing to say to her sister.

After a few moments, Harriet finally responded, "Let her in, Murph."

The pirate put her down and CJ pushed him away. Looking at him irritated. He just simply chuckled. CJ had always seen him and Harriet hanging out when they were younger, so he was not a total stranger. "My sword?" CJ turned around and held her hand out, waiting for him to give her back what belonged to her. Or, what she had stolen.

Big Murph smirked and walked over to the edge of the ship. "My hands over here, big guy." She mumbled, before she realized that he went to the side to throw her sword into the cold forsaken waters. Which was exactly what he did.

"Oh great." CJ sputtered, turning around and pressing the door open. "At least I didn't loose this one." When she walked inside, her eyes spotted Harriet at her desk with her hands in her hair. She was looking down at the empty table beneath her, empty because she had thrown everything on it down to the floor. Glass was shattered, and things were broken.

Warren watched CJ enter as he stood at the edge of the room with his hands behind his back, waiting for Harriet to need something. He shook his head and put his hand up against his throat, a sign to leave Harriet alone. CJ rolled her eyes and walked up to her sister with concern.

"What happened!?" She questioned, standing in front of the desk with her arms across her chest.

Harriet looked up at her sister, sighing. "Harry Hook." The Captain spat, annoyed.

"HA HA!" CJ laughed, "And here you are making jokes when I thought you were gonna be in a bad mood."

Harriet's facial expression didn't change, she sat up in her chair that looked like a throne made of stolen treasures. CJ laughed for a moment before looking awkwardly from Harriet to Warren, and the young boy had his eyes wide. Apparently, Harriet wasn't messing around.


Harriet slammed her fists on the table in front of her, making CJ hush up and Warren quickly left the room immediately....

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