Home - Part 4

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| The Bull |

"we're not broken, just bent"


She struggled, panting slightly and truly beating herself up for slipping up, again, she always slipped up.

Harry laughed at her failed attempt, he leaned down to whisper in his sister's ear. "You are too easy." His words burned more into her head, causing her to begin to stumble into a rage.

CJ banged her foot behind her, trying to step on his toes. But he knew his younger sister, he knew she would try that. As she lifted her leg, his foot had already moved out of the way. "Not this time, little sister." He stated, "You're also completely predictable."

CJ tried her other foot, but still nothing. It was then she tried to squirm out of his grip, get away. But her moving around only tightened his grip around her. CJ gritted her teeth together, if only she had a sword of some sort. But no, she had never had the pleasure of having her own sword. And every sword that she had ever carried, was not her own, and to be completely honest she would end up loosing it.

All she had was her hook, her wit, and her strength. And all three were failing her now. Of course, Harry would never actually kill his sister. But as their father had taught them on multiple occasions, a little blow to the face never hurt anybody. They turned out fine right? Think again.

CJ thought of what she could say to get him to stumble, but she had been gone for so long. And fresh wounds always hurt the worst.

"How's Uma?" She spoke, slowly, and he knew exactly why she had done it in the way that she did. Taunting his unsaid feelings for the queen of the sea.

Harry pushed his hook further towards her neck, "Shut up." He spat, and CJ fought her hook back. But it was no use, he was much stronger and even using his own distraction, Uma, made it worse.

"Do you still think she'll fall for her own first mate? Maybe you should ask her mom to turn you into a mermaid and see what happens." CJ murmured, but her brother simply laughed. Perhaps she had not chosen the right subject to poke at, because now his hook was poking into the side of her neck.

"Wow CJ, have you gone soft? Those people made you weak didn't they? Is that the best you've got?" He taunted her, and CJ gritted her teeth together as she tried kicking one more time. But her moving around like a fish out of water simply made him drill his hook deeper into her neck, about to draw blood and CJ knew that.

"Harry! No blood! This is a new coat!" She whined, something she'd always do when she thought she was loosing the fight. He chuckled softly, "Don't fight the bull if you can't handle the horns, sweetheart." Harry's accent rolled off his tongue as he spoke like a true evil villain.

The villain kids remained like this for a moment as CJ huffed and puffed. She didn't want to have another scar on the side of her neck from yet another one of her family's hooks.

Oh and how she hated when he called her Sweetheart. It was a childish nickname he had called her ever since they were little lads and lasses.

Finally, CJ had to give in. She slowly released her grip on her hook, until it dangled softly from his, and her hands were down to her sides. CJ had lost, failed again. And Harry simply laughed, he moved his arm and pushed her forwards. But he wouldn't do so without barely scratching her neck with his own hook, causing her neck to bleed just a tad. A little reminder the next time she wanted to battle with him...

oooo, villains be crazy!

what do you guys think? should Harry have done that to his own sister? or was it a pretty basic villain thing to do?

Also, who do you guys think should play CJ? this is a random chica I found online who fits the description pretty well (my version of CJ, in the photo above) but I do think that Sabrina Carpenter would play a good CJ in real life.

reminder: I'm now updating once I have at least 3 stars, five reads, and one comment. SIMPLE!


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