Anchored - Part 8

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They laughed, turning around with their arms across their chest. She definitely wasn't as intimidating as her siblings, the little dumb blond. CJ raised her eyebrows as they said and did nothing.

"Ya know, my brother was just here. I bet he's still around, should I go ahead and tell him to tell you to give me a sword?"

At that, they rolled their eyes and one finally gave up his sword. It was a basic one, nothing too fancy. It would have to do for training today, since her enchanted one had been taken from her grasps. CJ wasn't even able to exact revenge yet, and it wasn't fair.

CJ took off, exiting the boat by swinging on a nearby rope and on to the dock. It took her a good hour to get to her sister's place. And by place, it was near the water but near the forests. They were in troll land, and CJ hated it. At the first chance she could get, Harriet sprinted from home and did her own thing.

It was like she almost had a club with her crew, it was a weird shack in the woods near the water. That's where they would hang out if they weren't on Harriet's ship. Yes, she had her own ship. And her own territory, they called it, 'Havoc Shores'. It sickened CJ. Multiple times she had asked her father for a ship of her own, or for her to at least try and steal a ship on her own. But the answer would always be no.

She walked up to the club house type place, and young pirates were sleeping on the ceiling and on the ground outside. The smell of rum and smoke could be instantly smelt as she got closer, and she rolled her eyes. Now this place was very tall and large, even though on the outside it didn't seem like it. Her sister had taken over this place in the woods near the water, having her own territory and everyone knew that. Even the trolls that tromped around the trees would stay away in fear of the pirate warrior. CJ moved towards the sideways door, pushing it open slightly as she peaked inside.

"Late." Harriet instantly said. She was inside, sitting down on a barrel. The inside of the room was cleared out in the middle, and on the sides were mutiple tables, barrels, and people sleeping. Above them went up a few levels, only accessable by ropes that hung down.

"By a minute." CJ said, rolling her eyes. The girl walked inside, while shutting the door behind her.

"Two now, get over here would ya?" Harriet barked, getting up off of the barrel and dragging her sword along the ground.

CJ walked carefully, knowing her sister to be very unpredictable and she could strike at anytime. The pirate girl set down the sword on the table, taking off the red coat she wore and laying it down on the table to the side.

She felt her sisters hand grab ahold of her shoulder and spin her around, CJ grabbed ahold of the sword on the table and blocked her sisters oncoming sword.

"Have you learned nothing from living on the Isle your whole life?" Her sister questioned, swinging her sword down to the side as CJ blocked it again, pushing back.

"Always watch your back!" Harriet shouted, kicking her foot into CJ's stomach as she fell down onto the wooden floors.

CJ didn't even have a moment to get up, because Harriet was already barking at her again. "Get knocked down, get back up!"

The blond girl jumped to her feet, holding her sword and rocking back and forth. "Okay Harriet, I'm going to need you to tone down the Hook and take it easy on me okay? I'm a little rusty."

Harriet laughed wickedly, thrusting her sword forwards as CJ jumped up and over the blade. The smaller girl flipped over and onto the ground, jumping back up sword in hand. "No doubt! Ya aren't even fighting back!" She shouted, chasing after her little sister.

"Well sorry I'm not you!" CJ shouted back, jumping forwards and trying to jab at her sister.

"Yeah that's a real shame, isn't it?" Harriet chuckled, knowing she was getting a rise out of her sister.

CJ jumped up on a nearby table as their swords clashed together. Harriet was much more advanced than her little sister, CJ was good but not Captain Hook good. She jumped up and over the blade again, and suddenly Harriet pulled out her silver hook. With one hand she distracted CJ, swinging her sword as her hook grabbed ahold of her ankle as she pulled.

CJ fell backwards, hitting her head against the table. And for how many times she had hit her head, she was surprised that she didn't have a bloody skull. Harriet laughed, "Is this seriously the best you've got, love? I thought I taught you better than that."


okay so, you guys are going to love what I have planned for this book like I feel kinda bad for fan girling about my own story but still, it is that good. no joke guys.

something else I've decided on, they all have the same accent similar the Harry's (it simply makes them 100× better let's me honest)

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