Aftermath - Part 2

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"Wake up!" CJ shouted down at Harry as he slept soundly in bed.

He grumbled and turned over on the side, "Five more minutes, mom."

The younger girl slapped his face slightly to get him to wake up, laughing joyfully. "Harry! You're going to be late for school! Get up you Heathen!"

Harry smirked and opened on eye, looking up at his little sister. Her smile was wide as she ran over the dresser, grabbing him a shirt. The older boy sat up and stretched, looking out the window. And in the distance, he could see Auradon City in all its glory.

"Thank you." He muttered sleepily as he took the red shirt from his sister, pulling it up and on to his half naked body.

"Mom made muffins!" CJ smiled as she ran out of the room.

Harry walked around the room, it was normal. A bed, a bookshelf, multiple awards for baseball and fencing. A closet with multiple different outfits. A nice boys room.

He walked out of the room, and went into the bathroom. About to brush his teeth when he opened the door, just a crack before Harriet shouted at him.

"I'm in here!" Harriet shouted from the bathroom as Harry quickly shut the door, wide eyed.

"Oh, sorry H!" Harry shouted through the door. He ran his hand through his thick brown hair. And decided that he would just skip brushing his teeth and putting on deodorant, which he would probably pay for later.

His eyes spotted the different rooms on the second floor, his parents room, CJ's room, and his older sisters room, Harriet's.

He stumbled down the stairs, finally waking up a bit as she smelled the scent of fresh muffins. Harry went through the living room, where everything was put together and clean as always.

"Hey baby! Good morning!" His mom came over, placing a kiss on his head as she handed him a plate with three little muffins on it.

Harry smiled and grabbed one off the plate the blonde haired lady had handed him. As he looked over to the table in the family room. "That's my seat!" He stated as he saw CJ was sitting in it.

She turned around with a playful laugh and stuck her tongue out at him. Before stuffing her last muffin into her mouth, but still she didn't move the chair.

Harry came over and leaned down to CJ's level with a smirk. "Move or I'll send you to the Isle of the Lost you little villain!"

CJ gasped before pushing her brothers shoulder to get him out of her face. "MAMA! HARRY CALLED ME A VILLAIN!" She shouted, a smirk plastered across her face at the thought of getting her older brother in trouble.

Harry shook his head and clicked his tongue, "Tattletale." He muttered before their mom spoke up.

"I'm cooking, tell your father!" She stated, pouring some more liquid into the pans.

"Tell me what?" A man in a work suit entered the room, placing a brief case down on the table. His hair brown, short and slicked back.

"Daddy!" CJ shouted, jumping up from her place on the table. She ran up and gave her father a hug, and he leaned down and placed a kiss on her head. "Harry called me a villain." She quickly said afterwards.

"Kiss up." Harry mumbled, taking his seat at the table and pushing CJ's plate out of the way.

"Now now son, you can't use language like that when you go to Auradon Prep." His father reminded him. Oh yes, Harry was transferring to Auradon Prep. And today was moving day, he would no longer live at home but with his new classmates.

HA HA!   | descendants |Where stories live. Discover now