Home - Part 8

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| Come Back To Me |

"The sun will rise and
we will try again"


CJ gulped and turned, headed towards the door. "I should have never come back, this was a bad idea." She mumbled.

Harry rolled his eyes and sighed, really he was thinking if how dramatic CJ was being. But he could also tell that his sister was hurt. "Calista Jane Hook." Harry used her full name, which nobody besides her siblings and father knew. CJ is what everyone called her however, ever since she was a little lass.

She stopped for a moment, just listening to what he had to say. "Please just talk to me." Now him being nice without taunting her, that was a rarity. And him using, the thing called manors? Wow.

CJ sighed, a big and long sigh. Her boots scratched against the ground as she dragged herself away from the door and back to her brother. Harry was glad that she turned around, knowing their family, it wasn't every day that people would voluntarily listen to each other. He went back to the table, sitting up on the top as CJ came and sat down next to him. She sighed again, but didn't look up at him. The girl just slouched where she sat. Harry reached over and put his hand on CJ's shoulder, this caused her to look up at him. He smiled down kindly, and it was genuinely kind not just crazy kind.

"Tell me." Harry said softly, shaking CJ's shoulder slightly. Again, she sighed before shaking her head yes. It was time, she wouldn't be able to hide this for long.

"I was at Freddy's and then suddenly Mal and Evie and some other people boo-bity bop-itied in her dad's shop. Apparently Mal's doing magic now, or something. I mean I don't really pay attention to what any of those goody two shoes do these days." CJ muttered, and Harry chuckled softly. Mal was a hard topic to discuss for Harry, they used to date. But Mal, Mal was something else and not in a good way.

"I was hiding in her shop and she went out and started talking about stuff, and suddenly, Mal wished us to Auradon. And everyone in that room was suddenly there, including me. But, they didn't know I was there too. So Freddy and I were sneaking around their disgusting little prissy palaces, and I actually tried to um, take over kinda?"

At this sentence Harry began to laugh, "You? Taking over Auradon?! HA HA!"

CJ crossed her arms across her chest, and looked at him with such a disgusted face. "I'm not going to tell you what happened if you're going to make fun of me."

Harry sighed and rolled his eyes, "Fineeeee, continue..." But really in his head he was imagining what CJ could have possibly done, it made him chuckle.

"I ended up capturing their King and stuff, and Freddy was helping me. I tried to get Mal to help me, but she's really gone soft. She actually cares about those Auradon losers. But when I made my big entrance, Freddy turned on me. She, went soft, she chose them over me." At this remark, CJ slouched more, being hurt. Freddy had been her best friend. Of course, friendships were complicated on the Island but they were still close.

"So they all came after me, and I didnt know what to do. I ran, I lost my sword, and I was hiding for so long. I was on Auradons most wanted list, and I didn't want to get caught cause I wasn't sure what would happen to me. And I didn't want to come home because, one, I didn't know how, and two, I knew that you would all be disappointed in me. So I stayed on land in hiding for months, until Zevon found me. He said that with his magic he could take over Auradon, so I helped him. But Mal used her magic and her and her friends took Zevon down, so once again I failed. AGAIN! Zevon was captured and who knows what happened to him, so I went into hiding just waiting and waiting for something to happen. But the worst part is, I wanted to go there, and get revenge on Beasty Boys father and all the royals, especially Pan. But I didn't, I failed, TWICE, and the worst part of it is that I went for you. I wanted to prove to you, most of all, that I wasn't just someone who scrubs the deck and gets sick from stupid shipworms."

"CJ, you know I didn't mean that." Harry reassured her, now feeling bad for his little sister. She had been by herself, in hiding for almost six months. And the worst part of it all was that he wasn't there to protect her.

"Yeah I know, but I also know that it is true! That's all I've ever done! That's all I've ever been good for! I just wanted to prove to myself and to everyone else that I was more than just the young runt of the Hook family! I left and stayed there because I wanted to prove myself to you and everyone else! Harriet is a Captain, of a whole crew! You are the first mate to the queen of the sea! And what about me? I- I'm nothing. I always have been nothing and always will be nothing, I can't do anything right!"


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