Aftermath - Part 4

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It had been four days since the death of Calista Jane Hook. And the Havoc Tower was cleaned out enough so that people could walk around, and use a few levels of the buildings.

Harriet was helping Ash and Scar move a table to the center of the room, decorating was another one of Scars traits so she was glad to be chosen to remodel Havoc Tower.

The Captain had told her boys she had, had in the forest to stand down from lookout. She knew Harry wasn't going to attack anytime soon, and she didn't feel like an attack would be the best time right now anyways.

All the crew were there, except for Sammy Smee who had asked to take a few days to himself after hearing about CJ's death. And besides Cyn, who was still being held captive on the Lost Revenge ship.

"How are you doing today?" Murph came over and looked at Harriet.

She shewed him away with her hand, shaking her head, "I'm fine."

He knew that was actually the signal to leave her alone. She didn't want to talk about it right now.

Dick was in the corner, laying down on the hammock that swung back forth between two stable posts. But the whole crew that shuffled about looked up as the door opened.

Cynthia walked inside, in the same clothes she was in when she was taken. Her hair was a mess, and a grungy look was upon her. But she held a smile, she was home.

Dick jumped up from the hammock as she laughed softly, running up to each other. He leaned down and wrapped her in his arms, before he looked at her. "What happened? Did he hurt you? How'd you escape?" The boy asked multiple questions, and she just laughed softly.

"He let me go." She muttered, turning her head to Harriet.

"He let you go?" She questioned back, confused.

And then that's when the door opened again, and Harry walked in. A few of the men raised their swords, but Harry simply threw his to the ground. But then, then. Harry threw his hook on to the ground. And he never did that.

Both of the Hook siblings looked at each other with the same faces. Sadness. Guilt. Shame. They both had dark circles around their eyes from lack of sleep and crying. But still, why was Harry here?

"I came with Cyn, alone." He stated, walking forwards towards Harriet. But the crew still kept their swords high, waiting for the signal.

Harriet looked at Cyn, seeing if this was true or not. The little girl shook her head yes, saying that the boy was telling the truth.

"And what do you want?" Harriet questioned, folding her arms across her chest and staring at Harry with a bland face.

"Can we talk?" Harry question, stepping forwards with a saddened smile, "Alone."

He moved his hands towards the door, motioning for Harriet to step outside with him. She sighed, taking a few steps forwards towards him, "Back to work everyone." She mumbled before looking back to Cyn, "Welcome Home, Cyn."

Harry and Harriet walked outside, but Harriet kept walking into the woods and on to a trail. Harry followed behind her sighing, and wondering how to start this conversation. The last time they had been together, was when CJ had fallen and died.

"CJ would want me to tell you how I felt." Harry mumbled, "All she wanted was for us to be a family again."

Harriet turned around with a pointed finger, as if about to play the blame game. But she stopped, and lowered her hand. She placed her hands into the coats pockets, and waiting for Harry to continue.

He clasped his hands together, biting his bottom lip and looking at the ground. "All I wanted was to have my big sister back." He mumbled, "But I guess, I lost my other one in the process."

"By starting a war?" She questioned, furrowing her eyebrows together. But she wouldn't get mad, she would try to be understanding.

"I- I don't know. I guess I was kind of just acting out? Maybe. I was jealous, yes of course. But, I also was mad that you left home. Because...I did feel abandoned. You were always there for me, but, when you left. I felt like you betrayed me, and like I lost my sister."

Harriet frowned, she knew this, she knew Harry was mad. But to actually discuss it, just them two, it was now different. It was now real.

"Brother." She started, "No matter how far apart we are, you will always be in my heart."

Harriet reached out and pulled her brother in to a hug tightly, and he smiled, hugging her back. "And I will always be here for you." She added.

Harry pulled himself away from his sister, he looked at her in the eyes and stuttered on his words. "I'm-" He started, "I'm sorry, Harriet."

She smiled softly, giving off a little smirk as her dimples showed. "I'm sorry too, Harry."

Hook's never apologized. Well, there's a first time for everything.

Harriet patted her brothers shoulder slightly, and he sighed, feeling released of his anger he held against his sister. And who knew letting things out instead of keeping them inside, was good? Who knew talking instead of shouting was, okay?

"I'm going to call off my men, that's what CJ would have wanted." Harry stated, holding out his hand for Harriet to shake.

"For CJ." Harriet stated, shaking her brothers hand with a grin. They both did their best to hold back their tears, remembering the good times.

"For family." Harry said.

Hey y'all, say a little prayer for me cause I'm taking a 3 hour shuttle to the airport and I'm being driven by this guy who is speeding and kinda shady and I'm all alone in the shuttle and we're driving on back roads and stuff so if I don't post by tomorrow, I've mostlikely been kidnapped or killed tbh 😂😂😂 LOLOLOL I LAUGH IN THE FACE OF FEAR BUT TRULY I AM AFRAID

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